Opinion: North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Repeal Is Sham
“This ‘deal’ does NOT repeal HB2. It’s HB2 dressed up in a way desperate lawmakers hope will save the state’s economy. There will be consequences for Dem and Rep alike.
“This ‘deal’ does NOT repeal HB2. It’s HB2 dressed up in a way desperate lawmakers hope will save the state’s economy. There will be consequences for Dem and Rep alike.
Former Congressman Allen West posted an anti-sharia law rant on his web page after seeing a young Walmart cashier was not selling alcohol.
This time around, the subject is once again abortion and instead of New York, Missouri Satanists are assisting a woman seeking a religious exemption from Missouri’s religious 72-hour abortion waiting period because the Christian law violates the Satanist’s “deeply held beliefs about bodily autonomy;” something Christian fanatics cannot comprehend or countenance for any woman.
Americans are witnessing the profound and dangerous impact of the High Court’s Hobby Lobby decision to dismantle the 1st Amendment’s religious clauses and exempt religious devotee’s from adhering to state and federal laws.
It is why although the law appears only to target the LGBT community and allow the ‘faithful’ to legally punish same-sex marriage partners by refusing to hire, serve, or provide them with medical care, it is important to remember there is no mention of gays in the law.
On Thursday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed legislation legalizing discrimination based on the religious right’s “free exercise” of their bigoted beliefs that Republicans in Indiana contend are the law of the land.
Americans who value their freedoms, religious or otherwise, would do well to avoid the pitfalls of staying silent for fear of offending extremists because that silence has produced precisely what is plaguing this nation.
The Kansas House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a piece of legislation crafted to legalize anti-gay segregation under the guise of “religious liberty”
The Supreme Court is likely not done facilitating theocratic tyranny or disabusing the people from their 1st and 14th Amendment rights if right wing extremists have their way.
At issue is whether a secular corporation with no business relationship or involvement in a religion can be considered religious and force its employees to follow the corporation’s religious beliefs.
Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn’t an abomination anymore