Republican hypocrisy

With Republicans Running the Government Hypocrisy Prevails Over Humanity

With Republicans Running the Government Hypocrisy Prevails Over Humanity

Long before the Russians interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Republicans were active hacking the humanity of people in this…

7 years ago

Top Republican Drowns In His Own Email Hypocrisy While Criticizing Hillary Clinton

If you're wondering just how deep Republicans are willing to dig their Get Hillary hole as they overplay their hands…

8 years ago

Donald Trump Hypocritically Accuses Ted Cruz of Hypocrisy

Donald Trump tweeted today that "Ted is the ultimate hypocrite. Says one thing for money, does another for votes." This…

8 years ago

Ryan Doubles Down On Family Time Hypocrisy Rejecting It For American Workers

Ryan implied he recognized that most Americans yearn to get their work-life balance correct; he just cant tolerate it for…

8 years ago

GOP Hypocrites Interfere With Private Business to Keep Union Out of Tennessee VW Plant

Besides a clarion call for confederate rebels to oppose Northern invaders, the Republican interference in a private business is sheer…

10 years ago

Hypocrite Mike Huckabee Supported Contraception Coverage While Governor of Arkansas

Setting aside the incredible affront to women, Huckabee's opposition to contraception coverage in insurance plans is a hundred-eighty-degree departure from…

10 years ago

Domestic Violence Victims Denied Health Insurance by GOP Senators

Let’s say you were going to cast a Republican Clown Show of Hypocrites who ran on “Family Values” whilst cheating…

14 years ago