Republican War on Science

Conservative Christians Claim They Should be Able to Spew Hate Without Consequence

Conservative Christians want to be able to spew hate and lies but for nobody to have the right to disagree…

11 years ago
Iraq War Propagandist Accuses Obama of Encouraging Criminal Behavior with Plan B

Iraq War Propagandist Accuses Obama of Encouraging Criminal Behavior with Plan B

Blakeman said that since having sex at the age of 15 can be statutory rape, President Obama is encouraging criminal…

11 years ago

Buster Wilson Wakes Up to Discover He’s a Hate Monger

Buster Wilson complains that if he believes what he says the Bible says about homosexuality, he is a hate monger

11 years ago

NBA Player Jason Collins Comes Out – Religious Right Apoplectic

NBA player Jason Collins says he's gay; the religious right says he is immoral and aberrant and so are we…

11 years ago

Shady GOP TN Lawmaker Sponsors Ag Gag Bill After Taking Gifts from Farm Bureau

Tennessee Republican State Representative Andy Holt (R-Dresden) doesn't seem to understand how to get away with creepy things and bad…

11 years ago

Larry Pratt: Bombing Seen by Liberals as Opportunity to Increase Government Control

Republicans want bombing suspect treated as enemy combatant but it's liberals who want increased government control?

11 years ago

The GOP’s Boston-inspired Insanity

The GOP: Sodomizing our shared reality - and you

11 years ago

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp Put the Fool in April Fool’s Day

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp says marriage equality is unpatriotic and will destroy the family and motherhood - and even your…

12 years ago

God Wills It! Things You Will Never Hear an Atheist Say

When Reshad Riddle gunned down his father at Church, he didn't say his act was the will of atheism.

12 years ago

World Net Daily to PoliticusUSA: Facts are anti-Semitic

Reality-challenged Joseph Farah of World Net Daily feels that inconvenient and uncongenial facts about ancient Israel are anti-Semitic.

12 years ago

Glenn Beck Fears for Humanity’s Future and He Wants You to be Afraid Too

Glenn Beck reacts with his usual hysteria to the idea of the Singularity and humankind's next leap forward: the Singularity.

12 years ago

Conservatives Release the Propaganda Hounds in Defense of Religious Bigotry

A collection of WTF Boy Scout moments, brought to you by the party that hasn't read the Bible they're using…

12 years ago

Fundamentalist Says Refrigeration Removes Sin. Tough Luck Gays and Lesbians!

Oklahoma Pastor James Taylor says if you can refrigerate something (like shellfish) it isn't an abomination anymore

12 years ago

The IQ-Killing Plague Driving the Gun Lobby

What might an alien observer make of the seeming disease causing humans to shun science for superstition?

12 years ago

Right Wing Insanity Boils Over With Claim Marriage Equality Caused Noah’s Flood

Right wing Pastor Scott Lively hit a new level of crazy even for the far right by claiming that same…

12 years ago

Its the End of the World as You Know It

Joseph Farah wants you to believe an angry God is about to snuff us out, but first we have to…

12 years ago

When Your Doctor Offers to Pray for You

We go to medical doctors for medical care based on the most recent medical science, not for prayers

12 years ago

Republican Congressman Says He’s Not Convinced Sandy Victims Need Relief

Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp told AFA Director of Issues Analysis Bryan Fischer that he saw no real need for…

12 years ago

Sanity Prevails in New Orleans as Revisionist Texas Textbooks Banished

Six schools have been saved for science in New Orleans, where humans will never walk with dinosaurs and Noah's flood…

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer Claims Homosexuality is a Birth Defect

The American Family Association's Bryan Fischer misrepresents a scientific study to claim that homosexuality is a birth defect

12 years ago

Federal Judge Says North Carolina’s Choose Life License Plates are Unconstitutional

A federal judge has ruled that North Carolina cannot offer choose life plates without also offering pro-choice plates

12 years ago

Oregon GOP County Chair Gets the Boot for Claiming Democrats Seek Utopian Enslavement

Gary Bray, Republican Party chairman in Washington County, Oregon, called liberalism an 'atheistic cult' which seeks 'utopian enslavement'

12 years ago

Conflict in the Courts as Federal Judges Issue Divergent Rulings on Gay Conversion Quackery

A federal district judge has issued a temporary injunction against a new California law banning gay conversion therapy, while a…

12 years ago

Why Conservatives are Wrong When They Say Liberalism Will Fail

Conservatives have convinced themselves of libearlism's illigitimacy; now they have convinced themselves liberalism will fail

12 years ago

Republicans Turn Charter School Officials Into the New Robber Barons

School privatization is the new Gold Rush. There is money to be made in them there hills. And charter schools…

12 years ago

Just in time for Black Friday conservatives revive the War on Christmas

It is that season again - and no, I am not talking about Christmas. I am talking about the War…

12 years ago

Sorry GOP: We Do Not Need Churches in order to Prosper Economically

Conservatives insist that economic prosperity is impossible without their God but America wil prosper just as well with 20 gods…

12 years ago

Red State Secession Would Be a Dream Come True for the Rest of America

Don't tell me that some little part of you would not just like to say to Texas, or to another…

12 years ago

Mrs. Cleaver’s America is Dead – and Thank God For It

Republicans, in appraising the causes for the Republican defeat in 2012, shy away from the real reasons for that defeat:…

12 years ago

What Obama’s Victory Means to the Religious Right

The Religious Right took a black eye in 2012 but they are far from powerless and will be back to…

12 years ago

Romney Lies on CNN. This is his Real Vision for America

Mitt Romney took to CNN's opinion page to lie about his vision for America but his real vision is somewhat…

12 years ago

Franklin Graham Says Election Day 2012 is America’s Last Call

Not only has God decided Mormonism is not a cult, but that former heretic Mitt Romney is his last true…

12 years ago

The Meningitis that Mitt Romney’s Deregulation Built

Mitt Romney and other Republicans love to talk about the profits that deregulation builds, but will dismiss the very real…

12 years ago

While Science Points to Humans Causing Superstorms, Conservatives Blame Sin

Science explains superstorms like Hurricane Sandy, but conservatives prefer to see human immorality and a wrathful god

12 years ago

Bryan Fischer, Kicked off CNN for Lying, Reacts like Childish Buffoon

Bryan Fischer appeared on CNN this week to share his hateful and dishonest spew but ran into a host who…

12 years ago

Romney’s Tax Plan Turns the Laws of Mathematics on their Head

Ask yourself why the laws of mathematics work differently for Mitt Romney than for the rest of the universe before…

12 years ago

Failure to Teach Christianity in Public Schools is Mental Molestation

Fundies claim failure to teach Christianity in public schools is mental molestation - say it ought to be punished like…

12 years ago

GOP Congressman – Evolution a Lie Straight from the Pit of Hell

Paul Broun and Todd Akin, both serving on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, deny evolution and embrace…

12 years ago

Jack Welch Admits He Has no Evidence

Jack Welch caused a stir this week when he launched a conspiracy theory aimed at President Obama. Yesterday, he admitted…

12 years ago

Can Reality Be Prayed Away? Fundamentalists Say Yes

Harry Jackson said he cursed the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, out of existence. But the Blade is still there.…

12 years ago

Nonbeliever Nation by David Niose is a Secular Manifesto

David Niose's timely book is not another look at the Religious Right; this call to arms is written for Secular…

12 years ago

John Bolton Says Obama Planning Blasphemy Laws to Protect Islam

It's probably needed but Obama is not going to do it, and why are we even talking about something like…

12 years ago

Battling the Republican Obsession to Turn Back the Clock

It's no secret the Republicans want to take us back and that Democrats want to take us forward, but isn't…

12 years ago

Invalid Signatures Keep Colorado Personhood Off the Ballot in November

Personhood fell victim to its own dishonesty yesterday in Colorado, even as the Romney campaign called the abortion debate a…

12 years ago

Florida Family Council-Only Christianity Could Create or Save America

John Stemberger tosses facts aside to claim that only Christianity could create the American experience and only Christianity can save…

12 years ago

Spiritual Hurricanes and an Aura of Unreality Surround GOP Convention

Most of us like a little reality in our diet, but the Republican Convention seems to be focused more on…

12 years ago

Why Won’t Sarah Palin Admit Her Body Has Magic Powers

Bryan Fischer is upset that his word isn't good enough; that his Christian male voice does not invalidate a woman's…

12 years ago

Brian Fischer Says Shooting Proves NRC and AFA Not Hate Groups

Brian Fischer thinks if somebody hates a hate group that the hate group is magically no longer a hate group…

12 years ago

Louisiana School Voucher Decision Banishes Children to the Bronze Age

Rather than fixing its troubled public school system, Louisiana will remove standards and replace modern science with Bronze Age belief

12 years ago

Republicans Are Embarrassingly Wrong About Climate Change and We’re Paying the Price

Agriculture is being threatened by the worst drought in memory. Ranchers are selling their herds and still no effective climate…

12 years ago

Fox Business Analyst Neil Cavuto Says Answer to Record Heat is to Drill More

Neil Cavuto thinks if we drill our record heat will be a problem of the past and that while our…

12 years ago

The GOP’s Dystopian Dream of America’s Future

Why should the federal deficit scare us compared to an uninhabitable planet? Aren't mountains without tops more frightening than an…

12 years ago

Pepco: Deregulation + Greed + Corruption = Suffering for Hundreds of Thousands

Pepco spent years ignoring aging equipment and tree-trimming and focused instead of increasing profits leaving a million people to suffer…

12 years ago

A Bunch of Very Hot Days and Global Warming

I'm sure glad anthropogenic global warming is a myth because after a couple of days in the wake of storm-induced…

12 years ago

Right Wing Values: Poisoning our Air to Fill Their Pockets

Right wing values are all about profit values --and nothing more. Whether poisoning our water, triggering a war or making…

12 years ago

In Louisiana School, Loch Ness Monster Disproves Evolution

A fundamentalist Christian textbook used in a Louisiana school insists that because the Loch Ness Monster is real, evolution must…

12 years ago

Says the GOP Proverb, Dickishness is Next to Thuggishness

Republicans Allen West and Grover Norquist have proved an old truth of totalitarianism, that dickishness is next to thuggishness

12 years ago

The GOP and the Limits of Positive Thinking

When bad news piles on bad news, how does a person carry on, and how far can positive thinking carry…

12 years ago

Vaginas and Uteruses and Republicans, Oh My!

Republicans must talk about vaginas given the laws they've been making but they're not about to extend Democrats the same…

12 years ago

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Asks Discredited Political Scientist to Game Global Warming

You'd expect an interview with a climate scientist; you get an interview with a political scientist instead, one well paid…

12 years ago

Closing Minds and Banning Science in North Carolina

By banning science, by banning any discussion at all of climate change in North Carolina, the anti-regulation Republicans are regulating…

12 years ago

David Barton Supporters Say Criticism of Barton Proves Barton is Right

David Barton's deputy Rick Green and the ACLJ's David French claim that criticism of David Barton proves that Barton is…

12 years ago

North Carolina GOP Would Make Truth About Rising Sea Levels Illegal Rather Than Deal With It

Rather than let scientists accurately project sea level rise, the business-friendly North Carolina GOP would make it illegal to tell…

12 years ago

David Barton’s New Thesis: People Who Are on Welfare Don’t Read the Bible

David Barton attempts to prove we'd all be better off economically if we read our Bibles with a pedestrian attempt…

12 years ago

Saving You From Socialist Light Bulbs by Saving You From Pesky Facts

Republicans are fighting light bulb socialism, trying to save the old fashioned light bulb without mentioning a single relevant fact

12 years ago

Conservatism Looks More Like an Online MMORPG Every Day

You have to wonder the degree to which conservatives are even aware any more of reality as they indulge in…

12 years ago

Christopher Monckton: The Man Who Lies About His Credentials Question’s Obama’s

Christopher Monckton tells many lies about his own credentials so its no surprise that he has jumped on Joe Arpaio's…

12 years ago

Demonize It! The Fundamentalist Obsession with Demons

Most 21st century Americans deal with the world they see and give no thought to an underlying reality full of…

12 years ago

Daring to Speak the Truth About Job Creation Gets Venture Capitalist Shunned

It wasn't just what Nick Hanauer said that made his TED talk controversial, it was that he dared challenge conservative…

12 years ago

What the Bible Says Versus What Republicans Wish it Said

The GOP insists we obey the Bible but the Bible doesn't define traditional marriage and it turns out God orders…

12 years ago

Abortion: Religion-Based Bigotry Versus the World of Facts

The GOP stance on abortion hinges on religious dogma, not on science and even when science does enter the picture…

12 years ago

Fundie Says Obama is Gay, Imprison Gays Before They Kill Kids

Discredited psychologist and anti-gay "expert" Paul Cameron, claims that Obama is gay and that gays must be imprisoned before they…

12 years ago

Look Out First Amendment – Theocracy Inbound

Theocracy is coming to with a GOP win in 2012: they have made their position clear enough and it becomes…

12 years ago

Right Winger Sells Lies to Repurpose America’s Past for Conservative Agenda

David Barton's fundamentalist culture war agenda colors all he does and all his attitudes and it is no surprise that…

12 years ago

The Dirty Thirty – Occupy May Day Edition

Look at all the things wrong in America right now and then look at the GOP solutions since 2010. You…

12 years ago

David Barton Says Science Can’t Cure Divine Punishments like AIDS

David Barton claims that science won't be able to cure AIDS because AIDS is a punishment for sin showing he…

12 years ago

Welcome to Talibanessee

It is time to define gateway sexual activities and to determine whether or not they can be considered a spectator…

12 years ago

Misunderstandings, Misconceptions and Distortions About Global Warming

It's truly sad when the individuals who creates the laws that regulate greenhouse gas emissions understands nothing about carbon dioxide.

13 years ago

Gene Roddenberry, Where is My Star Trek Future?

Star Trek promised us a Utopian future of peace and tolerance and science; the Republican agenda has thrown all this…

13 years ago

The Dirty Thirty – April Fool’s Edition

The Republican assault on American liberties has continued in 2012 with continued emphasis on the reproductive rights of women and…

13 years ago

Santorum Ignores Economy – Makes his Religion a Problem for Voters

The media is slowly becoming wise to the fact that Rick Santorum’s campaign is fueled by religion, not the economy.…

13 years ago

The Republican Platform Aims at a Time Before the Constitution

Republicans don’t want to take back our country; they want to take our country back, back to a time before…

13 years ago

The Grim Calculus of Rights of Conscience

The grim calculus of conservatism's so-called rights of conscience is this: I don't believe so you can't... Their religious freedoms…

13 years ago

The Shining City on a Hill is a Destroyer of Freedom

It's easy to see why Robison likes the city on a hill imagery because the only freedom will be that…

13 years ago

People Are Laughing at My Country – And They Should Be

Why has my country become the laughingstock of the world? Well, look at the comments above: you need look no…

13 years ago

The Dirty Thirty – February 2012 Edition

As we enter 2012 the GOP's campaign to save America from non-existent problems rather than to create jobs shows no…

13 years ago

Mitt Romney’s Errand Boy, Ron Paul Calls Rick Santorum a ‘Liberal’

Ron Paul, Mitt Romney's errand boy, who is in charge of making Rick Santorum look bad to his conservative base…

13 years ago

Why Voters Should Have No Faith In Man Of Faith Rick Santorum

Even though Rick Santorum will soon come crashing back to earth, it's instructive to look at this darling of the…

13 years ago

Rick Santorum’s Clueless Message Stomps Mitt Romney’s Electability

Santorum surges in GOP races. My local newspaper headline pretty much captured the flavor of yesterday’s round of two Republican…

13 years ago

The Myth of Deferred Male Gratification and the Genocide of Mothers

Rabbi Daniel Lapin generates a myth that the availability of oral contraception has somehow caused the collapse of American civilization

13 years ago

Fundamentalist Flushes Brain Down Toilet – Wants Yours Too

Fundamentalist Rick Joyner is again prophesying that God will smite America but his science is as believable as Jack Black's…

13 years ago

The Dirty Thirty – the GOP’s Rights Killing Agenda for America

With no signs of abating. Republican legislatures are if anything more eager than ever to press their rights-killing agenda for…

13 years ago

New Study Reveals That Stupidity Can Make You Conservative And Racist

A new study has found that the lower a person's level of intelligence the more likely they are to be…

13 years ago

Oh the Things They Say About Islam

Republicans in embracing 1950s-style paranoia makes Islam the new Communism and accuses it of everything the GOP is itself guilty…

13 years ago

The Dirty Thirty – New Year’s Edition

The Dirty Thirty New Year's Edition updates our survey of the GOP's war on women, the environment, education, voting rights…

13 years ago

The Dirty Thirty Year End Edition

The Dirty Thirty Year-End edition is a recap of legislation, local, state and federal, the GOP is using to destroy…

13 years ago