Robert Bentley

Family Values GOP Governor Resigns, Gets Booked In Jail As Sex Scandal Erupts Around Him

Family Values GOP Governor Resigns, Gets Booked In Jail As Sex Scandal Erupts Around Him

It's become a staple of the Republican Party – do as I say, not as I do, especially when it…

7 years ago

Gas Pipeline Rupture Forces Alabama and Georgia States of Emergency

Estimates of 250,000 gallons thus far, is being “held in a mine water retention pond” with no clue how or…

8 years ago

Republicans In Retreat As Alabama Governor Takes Down Confederate Flag From State Capitol

The Republican version of damage control is spreading all through the South as Republican Gov. Robert Bentley ordered the Confederate…

9 years ago

Spiritual Hurricanes and an Aura of Unreality Surround GOP Convention

Most of us like a little reality in our diet, but the Republican Convention seems to be focused more on…

12 years ago