school privatization

Opinion: As Americans Abandon Religion, Trump Conservatives Push Church In Schools

Opinion: As Americans Abandon Religion, Trump Conservatives Push Church In Schools

Although it is true religious Republicans have panted to make public education a theocratic endeavor for a few decades, it…

7 years ago

Opinion: Evangelical Blueprint To “Restore” God in Schools Handed To Trump and DeVos

*The following is an opinion column by R Muse* One of the downsides of investigating, observing, and opining on the…

8 years ago

Trump Education Pick Will Inflict Generational Damage on America

DeVos has an appalling record on civil rights, no experience in or around public schools, and is intent on dismantling…

8 years ago

Trump Appoints Public School Enemy Number One To Decimate Education Department

DeVos has the potential to undermine progress by diverting resources and failing to uphold government’s responsibility to protect the needs…

8 years ago

After GOP Assaults, Teachers’ Union Endorsed a Public Education Advocate Early

"It is just dead wrong to make teachers the scapegoats for all of society's problems. Where I come from, teachers…

8 years ago

Barely Alive, Kansas Public Schools On the Verge Of Brownback’s Death Blow

The Kansas bill creates private school savings and funding programs by diverting public education funding to private and religious schools

8 years ago

Overwhelming Majority of Voters Want To Rein In Charter Schools

A new nationwide poll shows the American people overwhelmingly agree that public education should not exist to enrich and profit…

9 years ago

Victory For Education: State Supreme Court Rules Charter Schools Unconstitutional

The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled, in a very one-sided decision of 6 - 3 that charter schools are…

9 years ago

Ohio Governor Kasich’s Corrupt Corporate Charter Schools Are A National Joke

Although Republicans have not had as much success transferring taxpayer funding for public education to corporations at the federal level,…

9 years ago

President Obama Doing the Same Thing and Expecting Different Results?

If there is one thing Republicans and the Obama Administration love more than pandering to Wall Street, it is the…

9 years ago

Inconvenient Truth: America’s Public Schools Are Among Highest Achieving In The World

If, as privatization "reformers" in Republican, corporate, and Obama Education Department claim that America's public schools are dire failures, then…

10 years ago

Republicans Are The Ultimate Takers Who Only Want To Give To The Wealthy That They Serve

Even if some Americans do grasp the concept of Republicans as the ultimate takers, they likely fail to comprehend that…

10 years ago

The Koch Efforts To Privatize Schools Dealt a Blow By Record High School Graduation Rate

Republicans, privatization advocates, religious extremists, ALEC, and anti-union fascists contend that America's public schools are failures, but for the first…

10 years ago

Koch Brothers Illegally Funnel Millions Into Campaign to Eliminate Pensions and Sick Pay

The Koch Brothers are are launching a nationwide campaign to eliminate public sector workers' wages, pensions, sick pay, workers' compensation.

11 years ago