Sikh temple shooting

Texas A&M Shooting is More Blood of Innocent Victims on NRA and Right Wingers

Texas A&M Shooting is More Blood of Innocent Victims on NRA and Right Wingers

It is not a coincidence that many of the recent wave of shootings, including the one near Texas A&M, were…

12 years ago

Romney Starts Spinning Republican Reaction to Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting

Republicans are already trying to spin the attack against a Sikh temple in Wisconsin, as Mitt Romney tried to redirect…

12 years ago

Fox News Breaks from Sikh Temple Shooting for Regularly Scheduled Hate Rhetoric

While most of the media interrupted regular programming to cover the tragic shooting at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, Fox…

12 years ago

Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting Being Investigated as Domestic Terrorism

Police have confirmed that the mass shooting at Sikh temple near Milwaukee which killed 7 people is being investigated as…

12 years ago