Syrian Refugee Crisis

Pew Shows Muslims Hate ISIL – So Hannity Claims Pew Shows They Love ISIL

Pew Shows Muslims Hate ISIL – So Hannity Claims Pew Shows They Love ISIL

Pew says Muslims have "overwhelmingly expressed negative views of ISIS" so Hannity says the poll shows "significant levels of support"

8 years ago

Rep. Steve King Compares Syrian Refugees to Poisonous Grapes

The Iowa Republican insists treating Syrian refugees with indifference is in keeping with American values

8 years ago

Obama White House Sits Republican Child Governors Down And Schools Them On Refugees

The Obama administration had to host phone call with governors to brief them on what even civilians know regarding the…

8 years ago

Sean Hannity Gets a “Pants on Fire” From PolitiFact for Lie About Syrian Refugees

Fox News is in cahoots with Republican candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump, inventing inflated numbers of Syrian refugees to…

9 years ago