tax cut and jobs act

Feed the Beast, Starve the People: What’s Really Been Going on with GOP Tax Policy and Strategy

Feed the Beast, Starve the People: What’s Really Been Going on with GOP Tax Policy and Strategy

Over the last July 4 holiday, in an infamous moment inspiring public outrage, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was captured…

6 years ago

Seriously? Gary Cohn Blames Congress for Trump Breaking Campaign Promise to Repeal Carried Interest Loophole

One hallmark of Donald Trump’s presidency to date has been his ignorant blustering about the office he holds, notoriously over-reaching…

6 years ago

Even Stranger Things: Trump Brags About Lying to the American People in Upside Down Political World

Now he is actually glorying in telling the American people that he intentionally tried to deceive them to smuggle unpopular…

6 years ago

Senate Republicans Reject Truth, Crush The Constitution, And Gut Punch Democracy For Cash

Senate Republicans know that their tax bill has the stench of rotting fish. They know they must stay ahead of…

6 years ago