Taxation in the United States

Obama Stands Firm On Protecting Social Security In 2016 Budget

Obama Stands Firm On Protecting Social Security In 2016 Budget

Republicans hope to create a social security crisis, but President Obama has declared that he has no desire to indulge…

10 years ago

GOP House Budget Chair Tom Price Is Itching To Cut Social Security

The current Republican congress wants to cut social security benefits. The House Budget Chair made that clear again during a…

10 years ago

Republicans Plan Another Bush Trickle Down Assault In 2015

Some Republicans are beginning to express little hope that the President will go along with the scam and may eschew…

10 years ago

Should We Worry About 3,000 Americans Turning in Their Passports Because of Tax Law?

In the end, it isn't the 1 percent who are leaving the United States, but their money.

11 years ago

Darrell Issa’s Witchhunt Caused 150 IRS Employees to Work 70,000 Hours

Sander Levin called Republicans out for their utter waste of government resources and taxpayer money, noting that 150 IRS employees…

11 years ago

House Republicans Use Bogus Scandal As an Excuse To Slash The IRS Budget

Republicans have made no secret underfunding the IRS is punitive for what they cite as inappropriate actions over the phony…

11 years ago

Fellow Progressives: The IRS ‘Scandal’ Is a Crock and You Should Fight Back

First it was "Fast and Furious", then "Benghazi." Now, concurrent with Benghazi, it's the repugnant tax snoops, the IRS, TARGETING…

12 years ago

Republicans Complain About Incompetence After They’ve Spent Years Defunding the IRS

The IRS is tasked with collecting taxes to fund services all Americans depend on, but they can't properly do their…

12 years ago

The Self-Made Myth Haunts America and Is Contributing to Our Demise

The self-made myth perpetuated by conservatives has been allowed to shape policy, demonize government, and deny how much is built…

12 years ago

Paul Ryan Cracks Under Pressure and Admits Romney’s Tax Plan is Trickle Down

When pressed during a local Wisconsin interview, Paul Ryan admitted that the whole Romney tax plan is based on the…

12 years ago