The Hollywood Reporter

Friday Fox Follies – For What Ailes You

Friday Fox Follies – For What Ailes You

As FFF is fond of pointing out, ratings is not truth. It's ironic that Ailes compares Fox "News" to 2…

10 years ago

The Latest on the Sarah Jones Tragedy: Bring on the Lawsuits

Nearly four months after the on-set death of 27 year-old camera assistant Sarah Jones, the tragedy continues to galvanize the…

10 years ago

The Drama Behind Completing ‘Fast & Furious 7’ After Paul Walker’s Death

Following actor Paul Walker's death last November 30, Universal Studios and the creative team behind the studio's Fast & Furious…

10 years ago

Univisión Staffer Slams Republican Marco Rubio For Being a ‘Token Slave Boy’ Loser

Angelica Artiles, assistant to Univisión's Vice President of news, took to Rubio's aide's Facebook page to unload freely, calling the…

12 years ago