Tim Huelskamp

Radical House Freedom Caucus Doomed McCarthy’s Chances Of Becoming Speaker

Radical House Freedom Caucus Doomed McCarthy’s Chances Of Becoming Speaker

After recalcitrant members of the House Freedom Caucus threatened not to back McCarthy, the California Rep. surrendered without a fight.

9 years ago

New Report Reveals GOP-Aligned Extremists Are The Greatest Threat To Americans

There is hardly a bigger motivator than fear, and it is a fact not lost on Republicans who prey on…

9 years ago

Republicans Want The Pope To Stay Out Of Politics Unless It’s Conservative Politics

Congressional Republicans are upset with Pope Francis for making political statements on issues like income inequality, climate change, and the…

9 years ago

Republican Secret Love For Obamacare Exposed As Lawmakers Choose ACA Over Private Market

Hypocritical Republican lawmakers like Ted Cruz could have gone for a "private market" solution, but instead they chose to let…

9 years ago

Tenth Circuit Court Dismantles Religious Right Marriage Equality Claims in Utah

The Court pointed out that "the Supreme Court has repeated held that public opposition cannot provide cover for a violation…

10 years ago

Debt Ceiling Fallout: Boehner Pays The Price For Climbing In Bed With Tea Party Imbeciles

Boehner may face serious repercussions from "true conservatives" in the tea party movement, but that is the price he pays…

11 years ago

The Republican Plan to Violate the First Amendment by Establishing Religion

Tim Huelskamp's Federal Marriage Amendment is not only bad politics bad religion, it's against the law of the land

11 years ago

The Religious Right’s Lunatic Response to the DOMA Ruling

The Supreme Court's DOMA decision, as can be imagined, has really sent them off the deep-edge.

11 years ago

Republicans Stand Opposed To Equal Rights Even After SCOTUS Decisions

The rulings have absolutely no effect on any American who is not gay, and still, those unaffected ideologues are screaming…

11 years ago

The Tea Party Speaks From The Gutter and Tells the GOP to Forget Hispanic Voters

Tea Party Republicans like Rep. Tim Huelskamp are spewing more hate and intolerance by decrying Republican outreach to "so-called" Hispanic…

11 years ago

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp Put the Fool in April Fool’s Day

Kansas Republican Tim Huelskamp says marriage equality is unpatriotic and will destroy the family and motherhood - and even your…

11 years ago

Sick House Tea Partiers Celebrate the Sequester’s Human Carnage

House tea partiers are preparing to celebrate the damage to the people and economy that the sequestration cuts will cause…

12 years ago

Republican Congressman Says He’s Not Convinced Sandy Victims Need Relief

Kansas Republican Rep. Tim Huelskamp told AFA Director of Issues Analysis Bryan Fischer that he saw no real need for…

12 years ago