Tagged Trump poll


Mueller Stands Strong As Trump Attacks Backfire

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is in line with other recent polling that shows Trump‘s attacks on Mueller are backfiring. The Washington Post reported: 63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, with 52 percent saying they support it strongly; 29 percent oppose the probe. Opinions on Mueller’s…

Trump committed voter fraud in Florida

Trump’s Approval Numbers Fall To The Worst In History After Bungled Charlottesville Response

According to the latest Gallup Daily Tracking Poll, Donald Trump’s approval rating has fallen to among the worst in the history polling after his bungled response to the racist domestic terror attack in Charlottesville. Here is the poll: GALLUP: President Trump's approval rating drops to 34%, the lowest of his presidency. https://t.co/7ehrauAXlN pic.twitter.com/c8azLX7zp0 — Scott…

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