Trump’s Approval Rating Is Now Lower Than When He Lost To Biden
Trump’s approval rating is nearly ten points lower than polling around election day when he lost to Joe Biden in 2020.
Trump’s approval rating is nearly ten points lower than polling around election day when he lost to Joe Biden in 2020.
New polling shows that VP Kamala Harris is soundly beating Trump on questions of physical and mental fitness to be president.
A new poll found that 53% of voters now believe that Donald Trump lacks the physical and mental stamina needed to be president.
According to the latest CBS News Poll, Vice President Kamala Harris has erased Trump’s lead nationally and in the battleground states.
A new poll of Pennsylvania by Susquehanna Polling and Research has found that Vice President Kamala Harris now leads ex-president Donald Trump by four points in Pennsylvania.
A new Fox News poll caused Trump’s favorite network to label President Biden as the frontrunner in the 2024 election.
A new Morning Consult poll found that 54% of voters agree with the jury’s decision to convict Donald Trump.
A new poll from Quinnipiac University reveals that the vast majority of Americans following Trump’s trial, believe he did something illegal or wrong, and if he is convicted, it will wreck his chances.
Reality has finally arrived for Trump and the Republican Party as a majority of voters think the ex-president committed serious crimes.
While it is important to not take polls seriously at this time, the latest New York Times Poll shows momentum growing for President Biden.
Republican primary voters have sold themselves completely on Trump and are dismissing the criminal charges against him as other GOP presidential candidates are fading according to a new CBS News poll.
A new poll found that while none of the other Republican presidential candidates can gain any ground, Trump’s favorability with Republicans has fallen by ten points.
A new snap poll found that Trump’s support in the 2024 Republican primary went up after the FBI search, but 58% of Americans think he committed a crime.
Just 22% of Americans, including a plurality of Republicans, agree with Trump and support the stay at home order protests.
The American people are feeling the economic pain caused by President Donald Trump’s coronavirus response as 73% rate the economy as not good or poor.
The Trump bump is long gone as the president’s job approval rating has returned to the same range it has been for his entire presidency amid the coronavirus crisis.
The number of Trump voters who say that he was unprepared for the coronavirus has jumped 17 points to 40% of his supporters in the past week.
A new poll shows that if the election were held today, Donald Trump would get just 42% of the vote and lose to the Democratic nominee by eight.
White voters are the backbone of Donald Trump’s political support, and significant groups of white voters are abandoning the president.
The new Franklin & Marshall Poll finds that 57% of Pennsylvania voters support impeachment, and 59% of voters say it is time to vote Trump out.
Trump’s own internal polling shows former vice president Joe Biden beating him across the country, and is fueling his 2020 panic.
A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll found that 59% of voters would have reservations or are very uncomfortable with the idea of reelecting Trump.
The economy won’t be able to rescue Trump and the GOP as the vast majority of Americans aren’t feeling great benefit from Trump’s economy.
The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is in line with other recent polling that shows Trump‘s attacks on Mueller are backfiring. The Washington Post reported: 63 percent of Americans support Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, with 52 percent saying they support it strongly; 29 percent oppose the probe. Opinions on Mueller’s…
Trump’s support with Republican women is twenty points lower than it is with Republican men, which provides Democrats with a great opportunity to pick up even more support among Republican and Independent women in the midterm election.
A new Quinnipiac University Poll found that the number of Americans who think that Trump is mentally fit to be president has fallen to a new low of 40%.
One chart from the ABC News/Washington Post Poll shows that Donald Trump is the most unpopular first-term president in the seven-decade history of presidential polling.
The new Gallup presidential approval rating daily tracker reveals that Republicans are running away from Donald Trump.
Americans don’t just politically disagree with Trump. They are in a state of open contempt of his personality and behavior.
Trump’s approval has hit a new record low of 32% according to a new AP poll, which means that this president is worse than unpopular. He is being soundly rejected.
A new Pew Research poll found that Trump may be the most out of touch president in history as only 15% of Americans said that they agreed with him on all of the issues.
A new NBC News/Marist poll of the three states that gave Trump the presidency by 78,000 votes (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania) shows Trump’s approval rating falling like a rock, and if this keeps up, he will be a one term president.
The signs are growing that Trump’s base is shrinking. The new Marist Poll finds that Republican support for Trump has dropped 12 points and strong Republican support for the President has dipped 14 points.
According to the latest Gallup Daily Tracking Poll, Donald Trump’s approval rating has fallen to among the worst in the history polling after his bungled response to the racist domestic terror attack in Charlottesville. Here is the poll: GALLUP: President Trump's approval rating drops to 34%, the lowest of his presidency. — Scott…
Trump proclaimed that every poll that shows him to be historically unpopular is a “fake news suppression poll,” that is not documenting the achievements of his administration.
A new CNN poll has found that Trump’s crash and burn as president is not getting past the American people, as 59% of respondents graded Trump’s first 200 days as a failure.
A new Fox News poll has Trump losing support among Republicans (-3), white men (-9), and working class whites (-11), which means that Trump’s small base of support is continuing to shrink.
Things are so bad for Donald Trump that he has set the record for having the lowest approval rating of any president during their first six months in office in US history.
A new ABC News/Washington Post poll found that voters oppose Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Accord by a 2 to 1 margin, but the bigger problem for the White House is that people don’t believe his reasons for leaving the deal.
According to a new Monmouth University poll, the American people believe that Donald Trump is his own worst spokesperson, and the President does more to hurt his own cause than anyone else. In other words, America would like Trump to shut the hell up.
A new Quinnipiac University poll found that retirement age voters are abandoning Trump in droves, which could be great news for Democrats looking to take back Congress in 2018.
A new Monmouth University poll revealed that Trump’s approval rating had dropped the most in the 300 counties where the 2016 election was decided by single digits.
A new poll reveals that Donald Trump’s presidency is reaching a code red level of political danger as even Republicans are abandoning their party’s president.
A new Marist Poll found that Donald Trump is worse than unpopular. By a margin of 58%-33%, respondents described President Trump’s conduct as embarrassing.
Donald Trump has set a record by registering the highest disapproval rating of any newly elected president in the history of polling.
A new poll finds bad news for President Trump on two fronts, voters aren’t buying his claims of voter fraud, and they say that if there was voter fraud, it likely benefitted Trump.
The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll contains even more bad news for Trump, as 74% of Americans, including 53% of Republicans, want to see his tax returns.
America is not giving Donald Trump a warm welcome to the White House as a new poll found that Trump’s job approval rating has dropped seven points to 37% over the past month.