Trump’s Racism

Trump Cares More About NFL Players Protesting Than People Dying In Puerto Rico

Trump Cares More About NFL Players Protesting Than People Dying In Puerto Rico

It is scandalous that the President of the United States of America has given more time and attention to whether…

7 years ago

In PA Trump Goes Full-Tilt Racist on Refugees Saying ‘We Don’t Need’ Them Here

"Her plan will import generations of terrorism, extremism, and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities...we will keep them…

7 years ago

Another Classy Trump Crowd on Miami’s Bird Road Flies Confederate Flag

"20 person pro-Trump street waving on Miami's Bird Rd right now, featuring Confederate flag. No words."

8 years ago

Donald Trump Tells Michael Savage ‘Obama’s People’ Like Him Better Than Hillary

"And Obama's people aren't gonna - African Americans are not showing up to vote for Hillary Clinton. They like me…

8 years ago

80 Percent of GOP Voters Say Trump’s Racist Comments Are “Totally Fine”

Like their hero Donald Trump, a majority of GOP voters "are tired of the political correctness when things are said…

8 years ago

Online Petition Targets Websites Promoting Trump’s Hotels

Trump's racist rhetoric has helped him win support from GOP voters, but it is also causing tremendous damage to his…

9 years ago