Democratic Led Minnesota Senate Approves Expanding Early Voting And Voting Rights
On a 39-28 party-line vote, the Democratic-controlled Minnesota Senate approved a bill expanding voting rights on Monday.
On a 39-28 party-line vote, the Democratic-controlled Minnesota Senate approved a bill expanding voting rights on Monday.
Hillary Clinton has large leads over the field of GOP contenders in three key swing states.
Mitt 3.0 is Mitt 2.0, but with some more carefully chosen words meant to appeal to the 47%. He came across as almost Palin level stuck on Obama, still pandering to everyone, and though carefully rehearsed, unsteady on foreign policy.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that Mitt Romney leads the pack of GOP hopefuls for 2016, with Jeb Bush running in second place.
If the Republicans fell all over themselves in 2012 to sound stupid, the Democrats were happy to help them along, as this list demonstrates
With Hurricane Sandy, Republican fantasy met the facts on the ground and lost; our shared reality is more potent than wishful thinking
The Mitt Romney momentum myth has been going on since Romney ‘won’ the first debate by lying about his positions. It’s taken a lot to keep the myth alive.
The President made the case for another four years after a debate full of specific policies versus Romney’s anecdotal avoidance tactics, and he also got in the 47% comments.
To suggest that t Obama should have handled Romney’s lies like Biden did Ryan’s is to miss the bigger point: These two Republicans are not the same kinds of liars.
Paul Ryan made clear last night that he wants his religious beliefs to inform our decisions, while claiming it is his that are under attack
The mainstream media was quick to proclaim a Romney victory afer last night’s debate, but who really won remains to be seen
A new CNN poll explains why President Obama is leading in the polls. By margin of 57%-35% registered voters blame George W. Bush and the Republican Party for the poor condition of the economy.
Paul Ryan claimed today that he has more foreign policy experience that President Obama had in 2008, but a look at the congressional committees that each served on tells a vastly different story.
Romney, running on the same Republican policies as Bush, the same policies as McCain, hypocritically accuses Obama of having no new ideas
Deval Patrick issued a fiery call to Democrats to rally around Obama, implying that Romney is more interested in having the job than doing it
Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan is 19 points less popular than John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin in 2008, 58%-39%.
Sarah Palin surfaced on Sean Hannity’s show tonight to call President Obama a nauseating liar. One look at Palin’s poll numbers reveals that the feeling is mutual.