Russia Scandal

Republicans Blame Obama to Distract from Trump’s Betrayal of Our Country

Republicans Blame Obama to Distract from Trump’s Betrayal of Our Country

Sharyl Attkisson, opinion contributor and host of Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson on stations operated by the conservative propaganda outlet…

5 years ago

Top Democrats leave open option of Trump impeachment after Mueller report

By Sarah N. Lynch and Yasmeen Abutaleb WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top congressional Democrats left the door open on Sunday to…

5 years ago

Rudy Giuliani Sets Trump Up For Impeachment By Admitting Taking Info From Russia

Intent on keeping his title as the world's worst defense lawyer, Rudy Giuliani defended the Trump campaign taking information provided…

5 years ago

Trump Is Having A Mar-a-Lago Meltdown After Mueller Destroyed His ‘Total Exoneration’ Lie

Donald Trump has reportedly become increasingly angry and is lashing out at those around him as he watches the cable…

5 years ago

Trump’s Approval Rating Hits Lowest Point Of 2019 After Release Of Redacted Mueller Report

Following the release of Robert Mueller's redacted report, Donald Trump's approval rating has tumbled to the lowest point this year.

5 years ago

Even redacted Mueller report reveals extensive Trump-Russia contacts

Mueller said in his report released on Thursday that he found "numerous links" and that the Trump campaign "expected it…

5 years ago

Redacted Mueller report reveals Trump’s staff, associates sometimes ignored him

It also revealed that Trump's staff and associates frequently ignored the president - disregarding his orders and hoping he just…

5 years ago

Unlike Republicans, Pelosi Shows Real Class By Refusing To Criticize The President While Overseas

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was inappropriate to criticize the U.S. President while abroad, unlike Republicans, many…

5 years ago

Kremlin Amplifies Trump Administration Claim that Mueller Report Shows No Evidence of Russian Meddling

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday that U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's long-awaited report did not contain any…

5 years ago

Rachel Maddow: Mueller Report Shows Trump Is The Key To Russia’s Plot To Topple U.S. Democracy

What should worry the American people is that there is no indication that Russia's efforts to undermine U.S. democracy have…

5 years ago