David Simas

Darrell Issa’s Crushing Defeat: Investigators Find Obama Adviser Didn’t Violate Law

Darrell Issa’s Crushing Defeat: Investigators Find Obama Adviser Didn’t Violate Law

Rep. Darrell Issa suffered a crushing defeat in his crusade to bring down President Obama when investigators concluded that top…

10 years ago

Darrell Issa Begs President Obama To Send Adviser To Testify At Hearing

Rep. Darrell Issa is getting desperate. Today, he sent a letter to the White House offering to give administration adviser…

10 years ago

The White House Smacks Down Darrell Issa By Refusing To Send Adviser To Testify

The White House is fighting back against Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-CA) abuse of his subpoena power by refusing to send…

10 years ago

Darrell Issa Destroys His Obama Investigation With Admission That It’s Political Theater

Rep. Darrell Issa has managed sabotage his new allegation that the administration is using taxpayer dollars for political purposes by…

10 years ago