Ethnic cleansing

Opinion: Trump’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Reveal his Genocidal Mind

Opinion: Trump’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Reveal his Genocidal Mind

The national security threats the behavior of President Donald Trump and his administration have posed to the United States have…

5 years ago

Opinion: Trump’s Corruption Comes Full Circle As His DC Hotel Abruptly Cancels Kurdish Solidarity Event

Donald Trump’s DC hotel decided it doesn’t want the money that comes from Christians showing solidarity with the Kurds. According…

5 years ago

Opinion: The House and Europe Versus Trump and the Barbarians

When the House of Representatives and Europe issue a joint statement condemning Donald Trump and the world's dark forces, you…

5 years ago

Opinion: Trump’s Immigration Policy Looks Disturbingly Like Ethnic Cleansing

While mass deportation of people based on race or ethnicity may appear to be more “humane” the objective is the…

7 years ago

Donald Trump Hopes to Ethnically Cleanse America To Make It “Great Again”

No doubt, these are people share Trump's view that making America "great again" entails preserving white dominance and with it,…

9 years ago

Kansas’ Kobach Warns Immigration Action Leads To Ethnic Cleansing and Socialism

According to one angry racist Republican, the start of ethnic cleansing is when an African American President takes executive action…

10 years ago

The Slaughter of Native Americans Was The U.S.’s Original Stand Your Ground

Native Americans were dispatched with the same unfeeling inhumanity then that killed African-American Trayvon Martin, and now they are nearing…

13 years ago