The Jefferson Lies

David Barton and Bryan Fischer Get All Three-Year Old on Their Critics

David Barton and Bryan Fischer Get All Three-Year Old on Their Critics

Barton can't win an argument on merits so he attempts to delegitimize critics instead by assigning them to the category…

12 years ago

David Barton’s Christian Publisher Finds His Book Deficient and Cancels It

David Barton found himself without a publisher Friday when Thomas Nelson pulled his books from the shelves and canceled its…

12 years ago

David Barton Finally Answers his Critics – by Attacking Them

Barton's The Jefferson Lies has been criticized by scholars, but Barton won't argue history: he's more interested in character assassination…

12 years ago

David Barton Supporters Say Criticism of Barton Proves Barton is Right

David Barton's deputy Rick Green and the ACLJ's David French claim that criticism of David Barton proves that Barton is…

12 years ago

The Dimensions of Fundamentalist Christian Deceit

Did you ever stop to wonder why Throckmorton and Coulter's Getting Jefferson Right is being favorably reviewed at a liberal…

12 years ago

Getting Jefferson Right – A Review

Two conservative Christian scholars team up to debunk Barton's The Jefferson Lies, exposing Barton's lies of commission and ommission and…

12 years ago