
Obama Wins: John Boehner Admits Republicans Don’t Have The Votes To Stop Iran Deal

Speaker of the House John Boehner is privately admitting that Republicans don’t have the votes to stop President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

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Bloomberg View reported:

The top-ranking Republican in Congress privately acknowledged this weekend that his party doesn’t have enough votes to overcome a veto of any resolution disapproving the nuclear-weapons deal President Barack Obama hopes to reach with Iran.

Speaking at an off-the-record event Saturday at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s meeting in Las Vegas, House Speaker John Boehner told the audience that he didn’t expect that more than two-thirds of Congress would vote to overturn a veto from Obama if Congress voted against a nuclear deal, according to four people who were inside the room for the private talk.

All of the angst over President Obama agreeing to a sign a bill that gave Congress the ability to vote on the Iran deal was for nothing.

It turns out that President Obama didn’t cave or yield. President Obama knew that he had the votes in Congress to sustain his veto of any Congressional resolution that disapproves of a deal on Iran’s nuclear program.

Sure, Congress will get to voice their feelings, but their feelings won’t change the final outcome.

Boehner and McConnell dug their own grave when they made the Iran nuclear deal a partisan issue.

Speaker Boehner salted the Earth when he disrespected President Obama by ignoring protocol before he invited Netanyahu to address Congress. Mitch McConnell added to the damage by signing and supporting the infamous letter that 47 Republican senators sent to the Iranian government.

The fate of any deal on Iran’s nuclear program may have to go through to Congress, but President Obama has the votes to make sure that Republicans can’t kill the deal. Boehner and McConnell set themselves up for defeat by trying to sabotage President Obama on foreign policy.

There was no way that enough Democrats would go against their President to kill a deal with Iran. Republicans made two big mistakes.

Boehner and McConnell made the issue partisan, and they supported leaving the military option on the table. The discussion became about diplomacy or war, and when Democrats were left with that choice, a path to peace was the most logical option.

John Boehner is already admitting defeat as President Obama is on the cusp of achieving a historic deal to make the world a safer place. A successful deal to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon will add another accomplishment to a presidency that has been loaded with achievements.

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