
Pelosi and Schumer Request Trump Lower Flags When Coronavirus Deaths Reach 100,000

Pelosi and Schumer Request Trump Lower Flags When Coronavirus Deaths Reach 100,000

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) have preemptively requested President Donald Trump order flags…

4 years ago

Nearly 40 Million Americans Are Now Unemployed As a Result of the Coronavirus Pandemic

According to new data from the Department of Labor, another 2.44 million Americans filed for initial unemployment benefits last week…

4 years ago

Oxford Economics Election Model Predicts Trump Will Lose Popular Vote

A new election model from Oxford Economics forecasts President Donald Trump will lose the popular vote in November. An unemployment rate above…

4 years ago

McConnell Promises Republicans He’ll End Enhanced Unemployment Benefits

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promised his Republican colleagues that he would end enhanced unemployment benefits. Currently, those receiving…

4 years ago

Poll: Biden Widens Lead Over Trump by 11 Points

According to the latest poll from Quinnipiac University, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump 11 points in…

4 years ago

Trump Allies Recruiting “Extremely Pro-Trump” Doctors to Advocate Reopening Economy

According to an Associated Press report, President Donald Trump's allies are recruiting “extremely pro-Trump” doctors to go on television and…

4 years ago

Biden on Trump’s Use of Hydroxychloroquine: “What in God’s Name is He Doing?”

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden called President Donald Trump's claim that the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine can be used as an…

4 years ago

Trump Threatens to Withhold Michigan’s Federal Funding Over Vote-by-Mail

President Donald Trump threatened to withhold Michigan's federal funding after its Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) announced that all…

4 years ago

Maddow Warns Trump Is Creating Second Health Crisis By Urging People To Take Hydroxychloroquine

Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he is pushing America toward another health crisis – before the first one…

4 years ago

Steve Schmidt Calls Trump A Vile, Corrupt Imbecile Who Has Turned America Into A ‘Basket Case’

Schmidt said that no president in American history has ever handled a crisis as badly as Trump is bungling the…

4 years ago