David Barton

David Barton Says Science Can’t Cure Divine Punishments like AIDS

David Barton Says Science Can’t Cure Divine Punishments like AIDS

David Barton claims that science won't be able to cure AIDS because AIDS is a punishment for sin showing he…

12 years ago

David Barton Lies About Who was Burning Whom at the Stake

David Barton wants to pretend Christians were being burned at the stake by the government but doesn't mention it was…

12 years ago

Jesus Says David Barton Doesn’t Speak for Him: An Exclusive Interview

David Barton has little to do with actual Christianity and even less to do with first century Judaism, as Jesus…

12 years ago

The Religious War On American Liberty Takes Another Disturbing Turn

America's liberty is being eroded by religious and corporate fundamentalists who demand strict adherence to specific dogmata in combination with…

12 years ago

The Republican Appeal to History as it Should Have Been

The GOP doesn't want to study history but to construct a theological narrative that re-purposes history to be more useful…

12 years ago

Michele Bachmann to Teach Ignorance of the Constitution

Michele Bachmann, who knows nothing about the Constitution, is going to recruit others who know nothing about the Constitution to…

13 years ago

Conservative Christian Nuttiness Increases as Election Day Nears

Conservative Christians fear for this country and its future (that should be read as their privileged position in this country).…

13 years ago