democratic president

More Bad News For Republicans As President Obama Sets A New Job Growth Record

More Bad News For Republicans As President Obama Sets A New Job Growth Record

Well, this is awkward for Republicans. The Obama economy has set yet another job growth record in the private sector.

9 years ago

Jeb Bush Suggests That Hillary Clinton’s Only Qualification for President Is Her Husband

Jeb Bush said, "If someone wants to run a campaign about 90s nostalgia, it's not going to be very successful."

9 years ago

Republican Attempts To Sabotage the Obama Economy Fail as Good News Pours In

Despite Republicans' best efforts to sabotage the economy, there were three or four suspiciously unreported pieces of good economic news…

10 years ago

Mitch McConnell Gets Desperate and Promises to Avoid Losing Battles with Obama

Mitch McConnell is running away from doing battle with President Obama and hoping to focus attention on battles he thinks…

11 years ago

Hypocrite Republicans Ignored Decades of Debt Until Obama Became President

Republicans never place a high-priority on spending and the national debt until there is a Democrat in the White House…

11 years ago

Whether Republicans Like It or Not It’s an Obama Mandate

Obama swept the country in a decisive defeat of Romney with so far 303 electoral votes to 206, and possibly…

11 years ago

Obama Praises Leaders for Coming Together in a Crisis While Romney Camp Threatens Christie

As the President praised leaders from different parties working together, the Romney camp is threatening Chris Christie for working with…

11 years ago

Obama, Poverty, Racial Politics, and the White Vote

Critics have been saying President Obama has not done enough to address poverty. They don't seem to understand the reasons…

12 years ago