George Takei

Thanks to Sean Spicer’s Air Quote Presser, It Will Now Remain ‘President’ Trump

Thanks to Sean Spicer’s Air Quote Presser, It Will Now Remain ‘President’ Trump

"In honor of Sean Spicer's latest idiocy," says George Takei, "whenever I talk about his boss I'm just going to…

7 years ago

Evan McMullin Poses a Blink Test for Conservatives: Rocky Balboa or Drago

If Putin is Trump’s friend and our press and intelligence community are his enemies, then Trump is not by any…

7 years ago

George Takei Has An Inspiring Message In The Face Of Trump PAC Internment Camp Talk

George Takei loves this country, and sees its promise. Yet he was imprisoned in a Japanese Internment camp, the very…

7 years ago

George Takei Brilliantly Ridicules Ann Coulter’s Racist Voting Claim

"Wait, wait. At least" 4 grandparents? Just how many are we expected to have? We're not all Trump children with…

7 years ago

George Takei Blasts Roanoke Mayor’s Racism

George Takei takes Roanoke Mayor David Bowers to task for not only his fear-mongering ignorance about the past, but for…

8 years ago