
Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

Donald Trump Wants Americans to Denounce their Neighbors, Gestapo-Style

Trump went all Third Reich this weekend by calling on neighbors to denounce neighbors to the police, and not to…

8 years ago

Not Just Trump: Republicans Embrace Hitler’s Nazi Tactics to Target Muslims

Trump is not alone. Increasingly, Republicans are calling for concentration camps to be built to house Syrian refugees for now

8 years ago

Donald Trump Wants to Register Muslims Like the Nazis Registered Jews

Donald Trump is determined to keep the dream of the Reich alive by registering and identifying Muslims in public with…

8 years ago

Muslims and Pagans Oh My! (A Christofascist Nightmare)

The Tea Partier in question, John Trautman, was criticizing the build of a mosque. He said "are not only our…

13 years ago