
Republican Racism Confirmed As White Nationalist Make Robocalls for Donald Trump

Republican Racism Confirmed As White Nationalist Make Robocalls for Donald Trump

White nationalists love themselves some Donald Trump, their last best hope to prevent the sin of multiculturalism, which they see…

9 years ago

People Are an Abstraction, American Exceptionalism is Not?

Conservatives want you to believe that American history consists of the mighty white Northern European male imposing his will on…

9 years ago

CPAC: Icky Brown People Are Destroying our Country

Republicans have sold their souls, assuming they have any, to white nationalists who believe mixing races is rebellion against God

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Melts Down as He Confronts Reality That We Are a Nation of Immigrants

According to Fischer, you're a native American if you're born here but if you're a native American you're an immigrant…

10 years ago