Paris terror attacks

ISIS: Addressing a New Level of Brutality

ISIS: Addressing a New Level of Brutality

ISIS nastiness is not limited to beheadings. As in Paris, they'll just as likely plant bombs in your facility or…

8 years ago

Republicans Are Following ISIS’ Plans Against America To the Letter

Republicans are reacting exactly as predicted by ISIS to help them achieve their long-term goal to "Unravel the fabric of…

8 years ago

Where Is The Grief For Republican Terrorism Imposed On Americans?

Only a beheading or a suicide bombing can possibly be as barbaric and cruel as denying medical care to millions…

8 years ago

President Obama Vows Not To Slam The Door On Syrian Refugees Seeking Safety In America

President Obama vowed to continue supporting the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.

8 years ago

Make No Mistake About It, George W Bush’s Iraq War Has Spread To France

It is incredibly ironic that the one American ally that vehemently protested and condemned Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq…

8 years ago