republican candidate

Not Even New Jersey Republicans Want Chris Christie To Be President

Not Even New Jersey Republicans Want Chris Christie To Be President

A Monmouth University Poll found that Chris Christie is exceedingly unpopular in his home state even with Republicans.

9 years ago

Jeb Bush Boards The GOP Crazy Train By Saying Raise The Social Security Retirement Age

While Jeb Bush is often portrayed by the media as the "moderate" Republican candidate, there is nothing moderate about his…

9 years ago

The Newest “Joe the Plumber” Washes Up On The Shore

I could be wrong, but I suspect Louis Jordan will be sailing into murky political waters very soon.

9 years ago

Here We Go Again: GOP Lawmaker Says Rape Can Make Beautiful Children

West Virginia Delegate Brian Kurcaba says rape is awful, but remarks that it can create a beautiful child.

10 years ago

Right-Wing Media Will Blame Obama For Rising Gas Prices But Stay Silent When Prices Drop

During President Obama's tenure in the Oval Office, conservative pundits and Republican politicians have continuously blamed him anytime the price…

10 years ago

Republican Candidate for A-G of Arkansas Kicked Off Voter Rolls For Registering in Multiple States

As of Tuesday, the Republican candidate for Attorney-General in Arkansas is no longer a registered Arkansas voter. It turns out that…

10 years ago

GOP Senate Candidate Scott Brown Is Not Only A Carpetbagger, But Also A Total Hypocrite

In an article that ran Wednesday in the Washington Post, Sean Sullivan pointed out that during his time in the…

10 years ago

GOP Senate Candidate Doubles Down On Michelle Nunn ‘Terrorist’ Claim In New Campaign Ad

David Perdue, the Republican candidate for Georgia's open US Senate seat, released another ad on Wednesday doubling-down on his debunked…

10 years ago

Cliven Bundy Republicans Campaign To Seize and Sell Off Federal Land

Now, there is a serious movement among Republicans who embrace Bundy's claim the federal government is forbidden from owning land…

10 years ago

Oklahoma Republican Believes Homosexuals Should Be Stoned To Death

On Tuesday, a website based in Oklahoma,, ran a story featuring Facebook conversations from a Republican candidate for the…

10 years ago

Another One Bites The Dust as Dinesh D’Souza Pleads Guilty to Campaign Finance Violation

Dinesh D'Souza, author of the conspiracy laden "Obama's Rage", plead guilty in a Manhattan federal court on Tuesday to a…

10 years ago

Wealthy GOP Candidate For Illinois Governor Wants To Cut The State’s Minimum Wage

The leading Republican candidate for Governor in Illinois, multi-millionaire Bruce Rauner, thinks the state's minimum wage is too high.

11 years ago

Chris Christie Signs Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy for Minors

By signing ban on gay conversion therapy for minors, Governor Chris Christie moves further from the lunatic Republican base

11 years ago

GOP Candidate is Against Abortion in Rape Cases Because ‘Crime has consequences’

Caught on tape: A GOP candidate doesn't agree with abortion in cases of rape because incest is rare and crime…

12 years ago

Hot Patooie, Bless My Soul! It’s Meatloaf for Mitt Romney!

An obviously embarassed Mitt Romney and a drunk Meatloaf treanded on Twitter last night #MITTLOAF

12 years ago

Mitt Romney is the Executioner Who is Leading His Supporters to the Gallows

There is no demographic that supports Romney that is not inexorably linked to their own destruction and unfortunately, to their…

12 years ago

Mitt Fit: Romney Threw ‘Temper Tantrum’ and Forced Univision to Re-tape Intro

Not only did Romney pack the forum with bused-in supporters, but he refused to go on stage until the introduction…

12 years ago

Ann Romney Shops at Costco: Do You People Like Her Now?

Ann Romney announced from one of the couple's vacation homes that you people had her all wrong. Ann gets you,…

12 years ago

Michigan Tea Party Republican Candidate Wanted to Make His Students Cry

MI Republican candidate for Congress Kerry Bentivolio told his students his goal was to make them cry and he added,…

12 years ago

Republican Candidate for Sheriff Will Use Deadly Force to Stop Abortions

A Republican candidate for Hillsborough County, New Hampshire Sheriff won't rule out the use of deadly force to stop an…

12 years ago