Social Security Trust Fund

Obama Stands Firm On Protecting Social Security In 2016 Budget

Obama Stands Firm On Protecting Social Security In 2016 Budget

Republicans hope to create a social security crisis, but President Obama has declared that he has no desire to indulge…

9 years ago

The Koch Wall Street Crusade To Rob Pensions Is Underway

This is the class war billionaire Warren Buffet admitted his class was winning, and if any American doubted that the…

9 years ago

The Debt Ceiling Pays Off Money That Republicans Already Spent

Federal law requires Congress to authorize the government to borrow any money that is needed to pay for the programs…

11 years ago

John Boehner Pulls a Romney in Falling for Skewed Republican Poll

John Boehner thinks Republicans can win the debt ceiling showdown, and he's got a poll to prove it.

11 years ago

Sen Graham Exposes Republican Debt Lie by Attacking Social Security

Sen. Graham insisted that we must raise the age for Social Security in order to deal with the debt, but…

11 years ago

Romney Tells The GOP He Is The Hero Who Will Destroy Social Security

If presidential hopeful Willard “Mitt” Romney wins the nomination and presidency, he promises to be the hero that destroys Social…

12 years ago