supreme law

Indiana Enacts Theocracy Legalizing Discrimination

Indiana Enacts Theocracy Legalizing Discrimination

On Thursday, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed legislation legalizing discrimination based on the religious right's "free exercise" of their bigoted…

9 years ago

Minority White Christians’ Religious War On the Constitution

There is a misconception among ignorant Americans that this nation was founded on the tenets of the bible and is…

9 years ago

It Is Time To Repeal the 10TH Amendment And Unify America

It is true that there was open rebellion and massive bloodshed as one faction that could not countenance a 'united'…

9 years ago

Texas Republican Proposes Another Civil War By Ending The Union Through Nullification

The Civil War is something a Texas Republican legislator, Dan Flynn, is attempting to repeat through a proposal that empowers…

9 years ago

Missouri Republicans Violate the Constitution with Attempt to Nullify Federal Law

In Missouri this week, Republicans moved forward another measure to nullify federal gun laws.

10 years ago