tea baggers

Tea Partiers and the United States of White Christian America

Tea Partiers and the United States of White Christian America

It is no surprise that the angry white conservative movement a.k.a. the tea partiers has come to life since the…

14 years ago

Keith Olbermann Reminds the Teabaggers that They Coined Their Own Name

On his MSNBC show Countdown, host Keith Olbermann reminded the teabaggers, who just now seem to have figured out what…

14 years ago

CNBC Working With Tea Baggers on Healthcare Protest Coverage

Here is a story that you won't be seeing on MSNBC. According to Media Matters, CNBC sent an email to…

15 years ago

Right Wing Fringe Boos Specter When He Calls Obama an American

At a town hall meeting in Lebanon, PA today, Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA) was booed for having the nerve to…

15 years ago

Rick Santelli: Struggling Americans Need to Get Better Jobs

On CNBC, Rick Santelli went on another rant, but when told that we have to worry about ordinary Americans, Santelli…

15 years ago