TSA Body Scan

Rush Limbaugh Compares Ron Paul To An Islamic Terrorist

Rush Limbaugh Compares Ron Paul To An Islamic Terrorist

While talking about Rand Paul, Rush Limbaugh claimed that the TSA would be justified in detaining Ron Paul because he…

13 years ago

The 2010 Beck Apocalypse: A Year of Lies in Review

Glenn Beck has taken everything conservatives have done and want to do and leveled them as accusations at the left.…

14 years ago

Blackwater Alert: Fox News Calls for the Privatization of the TSA

Yes, as we all suspected, the right had a stake in echoing the TSA outrage and now they’ve come out…

14 years ago

Fooled Again: The Gullible Left and TSA Body Scan Hysteria

As the furor and outrage boils over TSA security measures, it is interesting how the left and the right are…

14 years ago