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Hillary Clinton’s Brutal Takedown of Donald Trump’s New Ad Is Devastating

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:10 pm

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Donald Trump put out a shiny new ad whining about how mean Hillary Clinton is because she called the alt-right white nationalist neo-Nazis who support Trump “deplorable”.

Donald Trump and his campaign aren’t very smart.

Because now, Hillary Clinton gets to remind the media and the public of Donald Trump’s deplorable highlight reel. The brutal takedown is everything.

Is he deplorable? Well…

The Trump ad voiceover: Speaking to wealthy donors, Hillary Clinton called tens of millions of Americans “deplorable”.

Hillary camp: (edited and sometimes paraphrased from campaign statement) Trump not only left out the broader context but also her apology and clarification, which by the way includes mention of David Duke and the white supremacists who follow Trump.

Er… maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

Hillary camp continuing: Clinton also said that the deplorables are not America. And she spoke to the other basket “who feel that government has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they are just desperate for change.”

Hillary camp listed examples of Clinton speaking positively of Trump supporters, calling them “hard-working”. Hillary camp quote Clinton saying Trump supporters who buy into his dark vision don’t represent the vast majority of Americans. Quote Clinton talking about Trump’s prejudice and paranoia.

Is this really what the Trump campaign calls a good idea: The white nationalists against the country? There’s no upside to this and there’s no way Trump can cast himself as the victim unless he’s in a play with Putin.

Clinton camp: Quote Clinton saying Trump is ruining the Republican party, “We wouldn’t tolerate this kind of behavior before and we wouldn’t tolerate it in our own homes. And we shouldn’t stand for it in a presidential candidate.”

We all learned this in kindergarten, except for Donald Trump. So that resonates.

Trump ad voiceover: HILLARY CLINTON: You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. The racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.

Yeah, the thing is, most of America thinks being one of those things is pretty deplorable.

Clinton camp: Quoting the New York Times Editorial Board: Mr. Trump’s white supremacist followers don’t take his disavowals too seriously… There aren’t enough of these people to put Mr. Trump in the White House. But his candidacy has granted them the legitimacy they have craved for years.”

Oh dear. Shall we discuss the white supremacists Donald Trump retweets and who follow him with adoration? Probably not what the Trump campaign had in mind.

How about the KKK using Trump as a talking point as they expand their movement.

Clinton camp: Quoting from Politico, “The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike.”

See, I’m pretty sure the majority of America finds the KKK deplorable.

Trump ad voiceover: People like you, you, and you

Clinton camp: Quote Trump saying of African Americans, “I read the numbers where you have so many in poverty and the crime is horrible and the education is terrible and they live terribly.”

Quoting the New York Times, “But the unrelievedly dire picture he has painted of black America has left many black voters angry, dumbfounded or both. Interviews with roughly a dozen blacks here turned up no one who found any appeal in Mr. Trump’s remarks. More common was the suggestion that Mr. Trump was trying to appeal to whites who might support him.”

Wait, there’s more:

Quoting the WSJ, “Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had ‘an absolute conflict’ in presiding over the litigation given that he was ‘of Mexican heritage’ and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association.”

The Clinton camp went on to detail Trump calling for a ban of all Muslims, Trump calling immigrants criminals and rapists, Trump saying Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever”, Trump saying in disgust of Carly Fiorina’s face “Would anyone vote for that?”, and Trump saying Hillary Clinton didn’t “look presidential.”

Trump ad voiceover: Deplorable

Clinton camp: Quoting Donald Trump saying he’s proud to be a birther, and then another quote of Trump whining about being called a birther just because he thinks Obama should have a birth certificate.

Trump ad voiceover: You know what’s deplorable?

Clinton camp: Trump attacked a Gold Star family who lost their son in Iraq. Trump suggested his business career was a sacrifice comparable to the loss of Khizr Khan’s son.

Trump ad voiceover: Hillary Clinton viciously demonizing hard working people like you.

Clinton camp: Quote Donald Trump: “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?”

Quote Donald Trump: “We won with poorly educated — I love the poorly educated.”

Reminder: Trump mocked a New York Times reporter with a disability.

In a devastating statement the Clinton camp finished Trump’s ad off, “… if he’d like to argue against Hillary’s claim that people who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or Islamophobic are deplorable, we are happy to have that debate.”

That’s the end of Trump’s horrible ad and the Clinton camp’s brutal take down. Bait taken.

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