
Nobody Believes Trump As He Tells Africa He ‘Deeply Respects’ Them After ‘S***hole’ Slur

Nobody Believes Trump As He Tells Africa He ‘Deeply Respects’ Them After ‘S***hole’ Slur

The empty letter comes weeks after the president offended just about everybody with a conscience by referring to nations in…

7 years ago

Chris Murphy Slams Trump’s 12 Days Of Silence After Four U.S. Soldiers Were Killed In Africa

If Trump can't properly honor U.S. soldiers when they make the ultimate sacrifice for this country, it's likely he will…

7 years ago

While Media Obsesses About Foreign Donors, Bill Clinton Defends Clinton Foundation’s Work

In an exclusive interview with NBC News' Cynthia McFadden, Bill Clinton defended the Clinton Foundation's work.

9 years ago

Hypocritical Conservatives Who See Revolt In Ferguson Easily Forget Their Own Actions

As cities across the nation either burn or shut down because of protests, conservatives jump in and express their opinion…

10 years ago

Republican Sequester Prevented Health Agencies From Stopping Ebola Spread

There is little money for the agencies tasked with helping stop the virus due to the Republicans' precious sequester the…

10 years ago

Racist Fox Troll Claims African Ebola Patients Will Seek Out ‘Witch Doctors’ For Treatment

During a segment on Fox News' Outnumbered Thursday, the network's favorite little racist troll, Andrea Tantaros, claimed Africans traveling to…

10 years ago

Bryan Fischer Lies About the Bible and Slavery

When Fischer says the Bible forbids stealing people and enslaving them, he is lying. Not only does it not forbid…

10 years ago

Tribalism … and You

You've surely heard that the civil war in Syria, and the broader tensions in the Middle East and Africa, are…

11 years ago

The civil war in Syria may be coming to a head as negotiations urged

The Syrian civil war drags on. Russia is sending ships and marines to Syria and both the U.S. and Russia…

12 years ago