nbc news poll

RFK Jr. Backfires And Creates A Massive Problem For Trump

RFK Jr. Backfires And Creates A Massive Problem For Trump

New polling from NBC News shows that RFK Jr. significantly cuts into Donald Trump's support with Republican voters.

1 week ago

Republicans Are The Party Of Crime As 68% Support Trump After Indictment

A new NBC News poll found that 68% of Republican voters still support Trump after he has been charged with…

1 year ago

Trump’s Reelection Chances Just Went Down the Tubes

Yesterday may have been Trump’s worst day ever. But before things hit the fan yesterday, he had been flying high.…

5 years ago

Democrats Get Great News As New Poll Shows People Believe Trump Fired Comey Over Russia

A new NBC News/Survey Monkey poll shows that by nearly a 2 to 1 margin Americans believe that Trump fired…

7 years ago

Trump Is Already Failing As Majority Are Uncertain And Pessimistic About His Presidency

A new NBC News poll revealed that as President-elect Donald Trump is failing. Instead of providing the American people with…

7 years ago

Clinton Erases Voter Enthusiasm Gap And Storms Out To 7 Point Lead On Trump

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll revealed that Hillary Clinton has erased the voter enthusiasm gap and moved out…

8 years ago

Obama Gets The Respect He Deserves As Voters Give Him Credit For Improving Economy

More bad news for Republicans as the latest NBC News/WSJ poll revealed that a plurality of Americans gave President Obama…

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton Gains On Trump With 2 Key Groups And This News Should Terrify Republicans

In a sign that support for Donald Trump could potentially collapse, Hillary Clinton has made substantial gains with men and…

8 years ago

Sanders Gains With Women And Minorities As National Poll Shows 2 Point Clinton Lead

Bernie Sanders is making gains with women and minorities as Hillary Clinton's national lead has been shaved to two points…

8 years ago

Thanks To Debates, Bernie Sanders Is Surging Nationally With All Time High Support

The Democratic debates have helped Bernie Sanders reach an all-time high in support for the Democratic nomination as more voters…

8 years ago

Benghazi Committee Backfires As Voters Now Support Hillary Clinton On Emails

The new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Survey contains some great news for Hillary Clinton. Since her appearance in front of…

8 years ago

Hillary Clinton Crushes Scott Walker In Poll Of Early 2016 States

A new NBC News/Marist poll of the first three states in the primary process found that Hillary Clinton would smoke…

9 years ago