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Fox News Cuts Away From The RNC Almost Immediately After It Starts

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 02:33 pm

The Republican National Convention kicked off on Monday night with a speech from Turning Point USA Founder Charlie Kirk, and Fox News cut away almost immediately.

As Aaron Rupar of Vox pointed out, “Fox News cut away from the RNC as soon as Charlie Kirk started talking.”


Brad Parscale, who was recently demoted by the Trump campaign, even took to Twitter to complain that he had to watch the RNC on CNN.

The Republican Party has no one left

Charlie Kirk – Charlie who? – kicking off the Republican National Convention pretty much says it all about the current state of the Republican Party.

But the sad reality for the GOP is that the other speakers at the RNC aren’t any better, from Matt Gaetz to Jim Jordan to Trump’s corrupt children.

As this convention continues to elevate the most extreme and dangerous voices in the Republican Party, it won’t just be cable news networks cutting away.

The American people will be changing the channel, too.

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Sean Colarossi

Sean Colarossi currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was an organizing fellow for both of President Obama’s presidential campaigns. He also worked with Planned Parenthood as an Affordable Care Act Outreach Organizer in 2014, helping northeast Ohio residents obtain health insurance coverage.

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