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Trump Goes Ballistic After Right-Wing Drudge Report Raises Questions About His Health

Donald Trump is in the midst of a full-blown meltdown over a controversy that he raised Tuesday morning in a tweet.

In the Twitter post, the unhinged president said, “[T]hey are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. Never happened to THIS candidate – FAKE NEWS.”

The only problem, of course, is that no major news outlet reported that Trump “suffered a series of mini-strokes.”

What has been reported is that Trump still hasn’t explained his mysterious visit to Walter Reed last fall, even after new reporting revealed that Mike Pence was told to prepare to take over presidential duties at the time.

Given the fact that almost any routine health matter could be dealt with at the White House, it’s somewhat alarming that the president of the United States had to make an unannounced, seemingly urgent trip to the hospital.

And despite Trump’s day of whining, it’s not inappropriate for the American people and the press to demand more information about Trump’s health, particularly as more details come to light about his Walter Reed visit.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped Trump from continuing his meltdown down on Twitter. In a late afternoon tweet on Tuesday, he blasted Drudge Report for featuring the “mini-stroke” story on its homepage.

It’s important to note that Drudge Report is a right-wing outlet that promoted Trump during the 2016 campaign.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes reported more about how the conservative website is shining a spotlight on the president’s health.

There is clearly something Donald Trump doesn’t want the American people to know

While we don’t have any further details about Trump’s visit to Walter Reed, there appears to be more than enough information to indicate that the president wasn’t rushed there for his annual physical.

Additionally, the fact that Trump can’t stop throwing tantrums about the controversy indicates that there may be more to this story that the president doesn’t want the American people to know.

Reporters and pundits went into a full frenzy over far less serious concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health in 2016 when she came down with pneumonia. The media should be scrutinizing Donald Trump’s health in the same way.

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Sean Colarossi

Sean Colarossi currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was an organizing fellow for both of President Obama’s presidential campaigns. He also worked with Planned Parenthood as an Affordable Care Act Outreach Organizer in 2014, helping northeast Ohio residents obtain health insurance coverage.

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