
NRA Leader Blames Church Pastor for His Own Death and The Death of His Congregants

That didn’t take long. But it also didn’t go over very well.

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which she founded the day after 20 children and 6 adults were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, caught and busted an NRA leader as he blamed state Senator and Reverend Clementa Pinckney for his own death and the death of the other eight congregants.

Mr. Charles Cotton wrote in a forum for supporters of concealed handguns that Clementa Pinckney bears blame because he “voted against concealed-carry.”

Cotton was referring to a legislative push in South Carolina that would have made it legal to carry a concealed weapon in a church, preschool and hospital. Giving the old NRA spin a test run, Cotton wrote, “Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead.”

No, actually, nine people were mass murdered by a terrorist who was able to get a gun even though he had a pending felony from February of this year. South Carolina is one of 40 states that do not require background checks for private sales, but in South Carolina the private seller doesn’t even have to ask.

Cotton doesn’t just play a soulless predator on the Internet, but he is also wrong. The proposal was held up in a Senate committee because, wait for it, law enforcement DID NOT LIKE THE BILL.

A Senate subcommittee took no action Thursday on bills passed by the House to eliminate the requirement for a permit to carry a concealed weapon in South Carolina and to have the state accept weapon permits from Georgia residents.

Law enforcement does not like either proposal. Former State Law Enforcement Division Chief Robert Stewart says the training required in South Carolina to get a concealed weapons permit keeps police officers and the public safe.

I guess it’s law enforcement’s fault that 9 people were slaughtered, according to Mr. Cotton’s logic.

Not to worry, gun nuts, the measure will be taken up next year so watch out in South Carolina preschools, which will no doubt be subject to the kind of harmful idiocy we see from untrained people carrying weapons they don’t understand and can’t handle.

But also, for every criminal killed in self defense, 34 innocent people die. So dies the NRA’s desperate talking point.

There are currently two different versions of how the alleged shooter obtained his weapon, and both make a case for closing the loopholes that allow people to get around background checks. One is that Dylann Roof’s father gave it to him for his birthday in April and the other is that the alleged terrorist bought it himself with money the family gave him. The shooter’s grandfather and a neighbor are trying very hard to make the case that the father didn’t buy the gun for Dylann Roof, because that could be a ten year jail sentence since he obviously knew about his son’s pending felony charges.

Luckily for him, Cotton administers the forum so he was able to delete his comments blaming the Reverend for the NRA’s firm grip on American lawmakers after the backlash proved that now was not the time for Mr. Cotton to engage in the NRA’s favorite hobby of Blame the Victims so they can make more money.

Cotton is a lawyer in Houston and is also the “Same man invited by @GregAbbott_TX to #opencarry bill signing,” as Ms. Watts pointed out in another tweet. Republicans sure have a lot to be proud of.

Mr. Charles Cotton is an NRA board member. These are the people who bullied Americans into silence after 20 children and six adults were murdered at their elementary school, so there is no low. He will do and say anything to justify obscene profits by gun manufacturers.

Every gun the NRA manages to sell to a felon or a terrorist is money in their pocket. They make a percentage off of guns sold. So of course they don’t care and of course they will say ANYTHING to justify their profits, including blaming victims for their own deaths.

Mr. Cotton can’t even imagine someone with the goodness of Rev. Pinckney, they even don’t belong to the same species.


Sarah Jones

Listen to Sarah on the PoliticusUSA Pod on The Daily newsletter podcast here. Sarah has been credentialed to cover President Barack Obama, then VP Joe Biden, 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and exclusively interviewed Speaker Nancy Pelosi multiple times and exclusively covered her first home appearance after the first impeachment of then President Donald Trump. Sarah is two-time Telly award winning video producer and a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. Connect with Sarah on Post,  Mastodon @PoliticusSarah@Journa.Host, & Twitter.

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