Trump Signs Executive Order Withdrawing from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:51 pm

With Vice President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and chief strategist Steve Bannon gathered around his desk, President Donald Trump signed an executive order withdrawing the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, saying, “Everyone knows what that means, right? We’ve been talking about this for a long time.”

Holding the document up for the cameras, he said, “Okay, a great thing for the American worker, what we just did.” By and large, Republicans supported the TPP, and this will be just one of many bones of contention between the GOP leadership and the new president.

Trump signed two additional executive orders: a federal hiring freeze except for the military and re-implementation of the so-called Mexico City rule which had been rescinded by President Obama, limiting abortion funding overseas.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan immediately issued a statement on Trump’s actions:

Nancy Pelosi also issued a statement approving of Trump’s withdrawal from the TPP:

“President Trump will notice that thanks to largely Democratic and steadfast opposition to enacting a job-killing trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership never became law in the United States. We will see how many Republicans now pretend to have been on the same side as Democrats in demanding a better trade agreement for American workers.

“Democrats hope that today’s largely symbolic action will be followed by more serious steps to raise wages and create more good-paying jobs for hard-working Americans. If the President is serious about building an economy that works for American workers, Democrats are serious about working constructively toward common ground.”

Despite President Obama’s support for the TPP, many Democrats, as noted by Pelosi, had opposed the trade deal. It is noteworthy that Sen. John McCain supported TPP and condemned Trump’s actions:

Donald Trump, calling it “insanity,” had promised to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership on his first day of office. Therefore, Trump’s actions with regard the TPP, albeit a couple of days late, count as a promise kept.

Hrafnkell Haraldsson

Hrafnkell Haraldsson, a social liberal with leanings toward centrist politics has degrees in history and philosophy. His interests include, besides history and philosophy, human rights issues, freedom of choice, religion, and the precarious dichotomy of freedom of speech and intolerance. He brings a slightly different perspective to his writing, being that he is neither a follower of an Abrahamic faith nor an atheist but a polytheist, a modern-day Heathen who follows the customs and traditions of his Norse ancestors. He maintains his own blog, A Heathen's Day, which deals with Heathen and Pagan matters, and Mos Maiorum Foundation, dedicated to ethnic religion. He has also contributed to NewsJunkiePost, GodsOwnParty and Pagan+Politics.

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