Republican Party

Watch Jeff Sessions Say That “No One Is Above the Law” When It Comes To Perjury

The man who is now accused of perjury during his confirmation hearing used to think perjury was a super big deal. In fact, during the Clinton administration’s Monica Lewinsky scandal, Sessions said on perjury, “No one is above the law.”

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Watch the January 13, 1999 clip here:

Sessions was clutching his pearls over lying under oath about a sexual affair. Sessions said Clinton needed to prove that he “did not commit obstruction of justice, then he can complete his term,” so it seems even Sessions agrees that perjury means ouster.

“But in America, and in the Supreme Court, and the American people believe no one is above the law,” Sessions lectured.

Sessions said he would give the President a fair trial regarding lying about consensual sex, so we can only assume Sessions would find undermining the American President by working with an aggressive foreign power to be problematic.

If lying about a consensual blow job matters, we can be sure lying about contacts with Russia matters.

It was reported Wednesday that Sessions had contact with the Russians during the campaign, but he told Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) under oath and on tape, “Sen. Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have any communications with the Russians.”

Wednesday evening calls came in from various liberal outlets and Democrats calling for Sessions to resign. This morning Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Shumer agreed.

Sessions is trying to save his job by suggesting he will recuse himself when necessary, “I have said whenever it’s appropriate, I will recuse myself,” Sessions told NBC News Thursday morning.

So when it was a lie over consensual sex, Sessions thought a national emergency on par with trying a President was necessary, but now that it’s him and the lie is about something much more nefarious, something that actually harms this country and our national security, now it’s no biggie.

Not only should Sessions not go to trial, but he should keep his job and be trusted to recuse himself. Insert sad laughter here.

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