Trump Gets Booed And Bombs At The Libertarian Convention

Trump’s speech at the Libertarian Convention featured him getting booed by the audience and was not the campaign platform he was hoping for.

Trump got booed when he was introduced:

Trump got loudly booed for touting his NRA endorsement:

Trump got booed for he is fighting despots:

Trump got loudly booed for claiming that he is a Libertarian:

The speech has been a disaster. Trump is so used to being inside his MAGA bubble that he never bothered to come up with anything new to offer the Libertarians to get this support. He came at them with the same old MAGA. While he did draw applause at some points, the Libertarian convention was not the lovefest that a typical Trump rally is.

What was most telling about Donald Trump in this environment is that he can no longer think on his feet and improvise. Trump is welded to his teleprompter, and he is so deluded as to think that everyone loves him that he doesn’t seem to know what to do when facing real audience rejection.

Instead of revealing his strength, the Libertarian Convention was another self-inflicted wound by Trump that revealed his weakness.

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Jason Easley

Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements. Awards and  Professional Memberships Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association

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