Sean Colarossi

Fox News Poll Shows Electoral Bloodbath Brewing As Biden Holds Big Leads In The Midwest

Fox News Poll Shows Electoral Bloodbath Brewing As Biden Holds Big Leads In The Midwest

An electoral bloodbath could be brewing as Joe Biden holds big leads over Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota.

4 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Calls Donald Trump The Biggest Failure In American History

Regardless of what voters decide in November, history will remember Donald Trump as one of the biggest failures in American…

4 years ago

Trump’s Favorite Pollster Shows Joe Biden Leading In Ohio And Pennsylvania

All over the map, Joe Biden is either overtaking Trump or pulling near-even with him in states the president won…

4 years ago

Trump Pressured The British Government To Drum Up Business For His Scotland Golf Resort

Donald Trump used the power of the presidency to pressure a foreign government into ginning up business for his golf…

4 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Coins Devastating New Nickname For COVID-19: The Trump Virus

Democrats shouldn't be afraid to call out Donald Trump for bungling the federal response to the coronavirus and causing needless…

4 years ago

Trump Admits He Still Doesn’t Have A Coronavirus Strategy Six Months Into The Pandemic

The fact that these briefings are being brought back at all is proof that Donald Trump's management of this crisis…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Praises Biden For Demonstrating How A Real Commander In Chief Stands Up To Russia

The MSNBC host also pointed out that Joe Biden's line in the sand against Vladimir Putin will put Republicans in…

4 years ago

Bombshell Lawsuit Accuses Sean Hannity And Tucker Carlson Of Sexual Harassment

A lawsuit filed on Monday accuses high-profile men at Fox News, including Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, of sexual harassment.

4 years ago

Biden Tells Putin That The Days Of Having A Puppet In The White House Are Numbered

On Monday, Joe Biden showed the kind of leadership that has been missing in the Oval Office for the past…

4 years ago

Steve Schmidt Tells Voters To Honor John Lewis By Throwing Lindsey Graham Out Of Office

Schmidt said that one way to honor Lewis is to throw Donald Trump's golfing buddy, Lindsey Graham, out of office…

4 years ago

Joy Reid Calls Out GOP For Giving Empty Praise Of John Lewis While Blocking Voting Rights

Many of the same Republican leaders praising John Lewis are currently standing in the way of restoring the Voting Rights…

4 years ago

Trump Heads To The Golf Course With Lindsey Graham Without Even Mentioning John Lewis

Donald Trump and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, dressed like twins, headed to the golf course without even mentioning a…

4 years ago

Maddow Reveals Trump Cut Off Health Care For Sick Baby Nephew To Boost His Own Inheritance

This is who Donald Trump is and always has been: a cruel, selfish man who will never put his family…

4 years ago

GOP Senator Tells Hispanics It’s Their Own Fault That They Have Higher COVID-19 Infection Rates

Sen. Thom Tillis claimed Hispanics don't wear masks as much as everybody else, which is why they are getting infected…

4 years ago

Fox News Cuts Off Trump’s White House Rally And Pummels Him With A Fact Check

During another taxpayer-funded campaign rally, Trump lied about the economy under Barack Obama, and Fox News' Neil Cavuto called him…

4 years ago

Trump Moves To Withhold COVID-19 Patient Data From The CDC

The Trump administration is ordering hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention when it comes to COVID-19…

4 years ago

Trump’s Niece Breaks Her Silence By Telling Him To Resign

After Trump's effort to silence her was blocked, Mary Trump sat down for an interview and told her uncle –…

4 years ago

Fox News Shreds Trump For Holding A Campaign Rally In The White House Rose Garden

Trump's pseudo-rally in the Rose Garden was such a disaster that not even Fox News could spin it in the…

4 years ago

Tucker Carlson Says The ‘Ghouls’ Who Exposed His White Supremacist Writer ‘Will Be Punished’

Carlson appeared more interested in attacking those who exposed his white supremacist writer than he was in denouncing the hateful…

4 years ago

Trump Loses Again: Judge Denies Attempt To Block Niece’s Tell-All Book

In another court loss for Trump, a New York judge denied a bid to block the publication of his niece's…

4 years ago

Republicans Are Urging Americans To Forget About The Last 6 Months When They Vote In November

Hoping the American people come down with a case of amnesia in time for the election seems to be the…

4 years ago

‘Fed Up’ Republicans Are Jumping Off The MAGA Train As Trump Leads The Party Toward Defeat

The last-ditch attempt by some Republicans to jump off the MAGA train will likely be too little, too late to…

4 years ago

Lindsey Graham Appeared To Be An Accomplice In Trump’s Scheme To Let Roger Stone Skate

GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared to have advance knowledge that Trump was going to commute Roger Stone's prison sentence.

4 years ago

‘Historic Corruption’: Mitt Romney Unloads On Trump For Shielding Roger Stone From Prison

It increasingly looks like Mitt Romney is the only Republican in the United States Senate with a shred of honor…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Says New York Prosecutors Could Fast-Track Trump Tax Return Subpoena

It's plausible for investigators to fast-track the process, which opens up the possibility of resolving the fight over Trump's tax…

4 years ago

Ex-Watergate Prosecutor Says SCOTUS Ruling Opens Door To Trump Being Indicted For Tax Fraud

Trump should be concerned that a tax or bank fraud indictment is coming now that independent investigators will be able…

4 years ago

Fauci Calls The US Coronavirus Response Poor Compared To Other Countries

Fauci did, however, praise state and local leaders in New York for responsibly following the guidelines for reopening their economies.

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Zeroes In On Central Theme Of New Tell-All Book: Trump’s Favorite Hobby Is Lying

The book written by the president's niece shows not only that Trump's been a liar his entire life, but that…

4 years ago

Tucker Carlson Tells Fox Viewers That Masks And Social Distancing Don’t Work

The Fox News host may be pleasing Donald Trump as his presidency plunges off a cliff, but he's putting millions…

4 years ago

Miami’s GOP Mayor Says He Won’t Let Trump Dictate City’s Coronavirus Strategy

The best strategy to curb the spread of this coronavirus and protect the American people is to stop listening to…

4 years ago

Three More GOP Senators Announce They Won’t Be Attending Trump’s Super-Spreader Convention

Three more senators announced on Tuesday that they would not be attending Donald Trump's super-spreader convention in Florida next month.

4 years ago

Trump Bailed Out Devin Nunes’ Winery As Part Of COVID-19 Small Business Relief Program

Right-wing media outlets like Newsmax and the Tucker Carlson-founded Daily Caller also cashed in on the small business program.

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Calls Trump A Failed President For Still Not Solving America’s Testing Shortage

Maddow torched Trump for still not solving America's coronavirus testing shortage four months after he said any person who needs…

4 years ago

Trump Blames Joe Biden For Violent Crime That Took Place Over 4th Of July Weekend

Trump's new strategy is to convince voters that he isn't president and that someone else is to blame for the…

4 years ago

Trump Has Been Repeatedly Calling Tucker Carlson And Asking Him To Help Save His Campaign

As Donald Trump's reelection campaign finds itself in increasingly dire trouble, he has reportedly been turning to Fox News host…

4 years ago

Bill Barr Is Systematically Removing U.S. Attorneys Connected To Trump Investigations

Attorney General William Barr is systematically removing U.S. attorneys who are connected to investigations that touch on Donald Trump.

4 years ago

Private GOP Polls Show Trump Losing To Biden In Kansas And Slipping In Montana

As Trump publicly whines about polls showing him behind Joe Biden, private GOP data shows the incumbent president is even…

4 years ago

Trump Throws A Fit Whenever His National Security Briefers Even Mention Russia

It shouldn't have to be said, but the American people deserve a commander-in-chief who actually reads his daily briefing.

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Torches Trump For Turning America Into A Global Health Threat

The federal government's response to this crisis isn't getting any better – even after nearly six months of the virus…

4 years ago

Trump Blames China For His 6-Month Failure To Contain The Coronavirus In America

In a tweet, Trump used the same rhetoric he has throughout this crisis, always trying to blame someone or something…

4 years ago

Just 17% Of Americans Are Proud To Live In Donald Trump’s America

The American people are ashamed of the declining state of America under Donald Trump, and they are turning to Joe…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Calls Trump A Russian Loyalist In Crushing Takedown Of His Presidency

Since this story broke, Trump has been in full-on damage control mode, only caring about defending himself instead of American…

4 years ago

Correction: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Misinterpreted Oklahoma Virus Test Data

MSNBC's Chris Hayes issued a correction and said that he misinterpreted Oklahoma's 100% positive test rate after Trump's Tulsa rally.

4 years ago

War Hero Tammy Duckworth Tears Trump Apart For Golfing While Troops Have Bounty On Their Heads

Sen. Tammy Duckworth tore Trump to shreds for spending his weekend golfing even after it was reported that Russia was…

4 years ago

The Trump Campaign Is Freaking Out About Losing Ohio To Joe Biden

The states Trump is pouring money into suggest that his campaign is panicking about losing to Biden in states where…

4 years ago

Trump Promises To Kick 23 Million Americans Off Health Insurance In The Middle Of A Pandemic

In a pair of tweets, Trump bragged about his administration's renewed push to have the Supreme Court strike down the…

4 years ago

House Dem Calls Trump ‘Rotten To The Core’ For Doing Nothing As Russia Puts Bounty On US Troops

Not even American troops being targeted by Russia is enough to shake Donald Trump of his undying loyalty to Vladimir…

4 years ago

Trump Is Golfing In Virginia After Pledging To Stay In D.C. This Weekend

Unless protesters followed Trump to his property in Virginia, he was lying when explaining why he scrapped his originally planned…

4 years ago

Trump Claims Sean Hannity’s Ratings Are Proof That He’s Beating Joe Biden

The United States is in the middle of a public health crisis and an economic downturn – and this is…

4 years ago

Trump Has Failed So Badly That The Coronavirus Task Force Is Rushing To Hold More Press Briefings

The White House coronavirus task force is set to hold its first press conference since April 27 as the virus…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Puts Trump On Blast For Turning America Into A S-Hole Country

Maddow said the series of crises unfolding in the U.S. is directly tied to the fact that Donald Trump is…

4 years ago

Bill Barr Has Been Meddling In Trump-Related SDNY Cases Since He Became Attorney General

From meddling in Trump-related cases to pushing the president's conspiracy theories, William Barr is Trump's new fixer, not America's attorney…

4 years ago

Trump Says Democrats Are Worse Than Murderous Tyrants Like Kim Jong Un And Vladimir Putin

If any other president had used the type of rhetoric Donald Trump used on Thursday, there would have been a…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Calls Trump’s Mid-Pandemic Rallies A Global Health Threat

It's almost as if the events are happening in a different plane of existence where a pandemic isn't happening and…

4 years ago

Steve Schmidt Unloads On The White House For Covering Up Trump’s Declining Health

Schmidt ripped the White House on Tuesday for running a massive cover-up of Donald Trump's declining physical and mental health.

4 years ago

Sweating, Rambling Trump Launches Into Racist Tirade Over The Coronavirus

The fact that this is the way a president of the United States is conducting himself in the middle of…

4 years ago

Trump Is Ending Federal Support For Coronavirus Testing Sites

The Trump administration is planning to end federal support for local virus screening – even in places that need it…

4 years ago

Trump Wasted An Entire White House Meeting Trying To Convince His Aides That He’s Mentally Fit

Donald Trump freaked out in a White House meeting earlier this month over growing criticism that he isn't physically or…

4 years ago

Election Records Show That Senior Trump Officials Repeatedly Vote By Mail

Faced with polls showing him lagging behind former Vice President Joe Biden, Donald Trump is on a crusade to make…

4 years ago

Trump’s Support Among Independent Voters Is Collapsing In 44 Out Of 50 States

The data shows that Trump is underwater with Independents in all states except Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, North Dakota, Tennessee and…

4 years ago

‘Your Legacy Is Death’: Steve Schmidt Instantly Makes Trump Regret Mentioning Him On Twitter

Donald Trump called out former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt in a tweet on Saturday, and Schmidt immediately made him regret…

4 years ago

Dems Call On U.S. Attorney To Testify After Barr Tries To Fire Him In The Middle Of Trump Probes

The American people deserve to know why Bill Barr sought to replace this specific U.S. attorney five months before a…

4 years ago

Trump Suffers Another Humiliating Loss As Judge Denies Attempt To Block John Bolton’s Book

A federal judge refuses to stop the release of John Bolton's book, another humiliating loss in Donald Trump's war on…

4 years ago

Trump Threatens His Own Niece With Legal Action Over Upcoming Tell-All Book

Donald Trump clearly isn't a family man, but a new report shows that he's willing to go after his own…

4 years ago

Rachel Maddow Hits Trump With A Blistering Takedown Of His Failed Presidency

Under Donald Trump, the United States is spiraling out of control – and the world is noticing. In November, voters…

4 years ago

GOP Group Rains Hell On Trump In Devastating New Ad Focused On His Declining Health

The spot zeroed in on Trump's unsteady walk down a ramp at West Point over the weekend, as well as…

4 years ago

Nancy Pelosi Shreds Trump For Holding Another Empty Photo Op While Americans Die

Donald Trump is only capable of offering the American people hollow photo ops when the country is demanding meaningful solutions.

4 years ago

Ali Velshi To Trump: ‘Mr. President, Why Don’t You Tell Us The Truth About Your Health?’

The American people don't need a hashtag to recognize that Trump is unwell. Three years of unsteady public appearances and…

4 years ago

Larry Kudlow Declares Racism Extinct Because Some White People Voted For Barack Obama

Larry Kudlow has proven time and again that he wasn't even qualified to be a cable news personality, much less…

4 years ago

Trump Is Sinking In The Heartland As Gold-Standard Poll Shows Him Tied With Biden In Iowa

A new poll of Iowa shows that Donald Trump is virtually tied with Joe Biden in a state he won…

4 years ago

Trump Administration Admits It Doesn’t Care If COVID-19 Cases And Deaths Surge Again

Larry Kudlow only confirmed what has been obvious for weeks: This White House has given up and moved on from…

4 years ago

Texas GOP Hits The Panic Button As Trump’s Sinking Presidency Could Turn The State Blue

Whether Joe Biden wins or loses Texas in November, the Lone Star state could be a bright spot for Democrats…

4 years ago

Trump Looks Like A Weak Commander-In-Chief During Sleepy West Point Commencement Address

Donald Trump is a weak leader relying on strong men and women in the U.S. military to prop him up…

4 years ago

Biden Tells Trump To Stop Obsessing Over Barack Obama And Start Acting Like A President

Joe Biden shredded Donald Trump for his cruel decision to dismantle Barack Obama era LGBTQ protections during Pride month.

4 years ago

Maddow Calls Trump Sick For Saying It Was ‘Beautiful’ To Watch Protesters Get Tear-Gassed

Rachel Maddow tore into Donald Trump on Thursday for saying it was beautiful to watch protesters in Minneapolis get tear-gassed.

4 years ago

Trump Crashes And Burns When Fox News Calls Out His Racism

Trump devolved into a stream of gibberish in which he tried to explain two different meanings of a racist phrase…

4 years ago

Adam Schiff Tells Trump To Stay In His Bunker Until America Votes Him Out Of Office

The best thing Donald Trump could do for the country is to stay in his bunker until the American people…

4 years ago

Ex-GOP Chair Tells MAGA Base That Trump Isn’t Worth Their Lives: ‘Just Stay Home’ From Rallies

This president would rather risk lives and hold rallies than admit the virus is still a real threat to the…

4 years ago

Maddow Sounds The Alarm: GOP Is Intentionally Undermining Elections In Swing States

It's no longer a secret that Republicans are even pretending to keep: They want fewer Americans to vote because they…

4 years ago

The Trump Family Takes 1,000 More Trips Per Year Than The Obamas Did

Donald Trump Jr. charged taxpayers more than $75,000 for a hunting trip to Mongolia last summer so he could hunt…

4 years ago

Steve Schmidt Exposes Trump’s ‘Law And Order’ Slogan As The Racist Dog Whistle That It is

The same racist playbook Donald Trump used to eke out an Electoral College victory in 2016 likely won't be enough…

4 years ago

Trump Doesn’t Mention George Floyd’s Name Once On The Day He’s Laid To Rest

It's impossible to overstate just how bad Donald Trump is at uniting the country during a time of crisis or…

4 years ago

Kamala Harris Flips The Script And Busts Trump For Defunding Public Safety Programs

Trump does a lot of talking about law and order, but when it comes to actually funding programs to achieve…

4 years ago

Biden Crushes Trump’s ‘Law And Order’ Lies With A Plan To Reform The Police

Regardless of what he says during his daily outbursts on Twitter, Donald Trump is a chaos president, not a law…

4 years ago

Trump Immediately Humiliated For Paying Disgraced Pollster To Tell Him He’s Beating Joe Biden

If this is the way Donald Trump reacts to a poll showing him trailing Joe Biden, just imagine what he'll…

4 years ago

BLS Admits Unemployment Rate Is 3 Points Higher After Major Error In May Jobs Report

It turns out that Donald Trump's entire jobs report victory lap – much like his presidency – was based on…

4 years ago

Trump Plans To Hide Inside All Day As Protesters Gather Outside The Fenced-In White House

Donald Trump's behavior in recent days has resembled that of a scared dictator hiding in a bunker who knows his…

4 years ago

The World Is Backing Away From The U.S. As Trump Transforms America Into An Authoritarian State

U.S. diplomats are struggling to defend the United States abroad as Donald Trump pushes America closer to an authoritarian state.

4 years ago

Trump Rants About Antifa From His Bunker As Tens Of Thousands Of Americans March For Change

Trump's latest rant was just another divisive deflection from a president hiding in a bunker watching history pass him by.

4 years ago

Ex-White House Chief Of Staff John Kelly Says Trump Is Confused And Losing His Memory

Some of Donald Trump's loudest critics are the folks who worked closely with him in the past – and it's…

4 years ago

Trump Suggests The Peaceful Protesters He Gassed In D.C. Were Actually Terrorists

Trump's decision to share an inflammatory letter from his former lawyer is a laughable way to respond to criticism from…

4 years ago

Trump Goes Ballistic And Announces Plans To Campaign Against Lisa Murkowski In 2022

Even though the 2020 election hasn't taken place yet, Donald Trump is announcing plans to campaign against Alaska Republican Sen.…

4 years ago

Kamala Harris Burns Rand Paul To The Ground For Blocking Anti-Lynching Legislation

Sen. Kamala Harris took to the Senate floor to blast Sen. Rand Paul for standing in the way of bipartisan…

4 years ago

‘Death Of The Republic’: Maddow Sounds The Alarm As Trump’s Authoritarian Fantasies Come True

If this is what Trump is willing to do to get a good photo op in the middle of a…

4 years ago

Trump Reelection Numbers Collapse As Joe Biden Behaves Like The Acting President

Donald Trump is the incredible shrinking president, while Joe Biden is conducting himself like a commander-in-chief in waiting.

4 years ago

Trump’s Authoritarian Stunt Flops As Protests Are Getting Larger All Across The Country

It turns out nobody is afraid of this weak and petty president, and the demonstrations are actually getting larger all…

4 years ago

D.C. Crowd Goes Nuts As Elizabeth Warren Joins Protesters In Front Of The White House

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has spent the past week either hiding in his bunker or using military force in order to…

4 years ago

Trump Hasn’t Talked To Dr. Fauci In Weeks As He’s Officially Given Up On The Coronavirus

The hard work of managing a federal response to a public health crisis clearly wasn't something that interested Donald Trump.

4 years ago

Trump Staged An Outdoor Photo Op Because He Was Furious About Being Called Bunker Boy

Trump could have used his remarks to bring the country together. Instead, he picked up a bucket of gasoline and…

4 years ago

GOP Governor Doesn’t Hold Back, Calls Trump A Failed Leader At A Time Of Crisis

At this unprecedented moment of crisis, Trump has proven to be weak, small, and manifestly incapable of showing an iota…

4 years ago