Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney Tells You That You Don’t Want to See His Tax Returns

Mitt Romney Tells You That You Don’t Want to See His Tax Returns

In a desperate attempt to change the subject, the Romney campaign is now claiming that you don't care about his…

12 years ago

The Obama Campaign Declares Sarah Palin Mentally Incompetent

Obama campaign spokesperson Stephanie Cutter defended Vice President Biden from Republican attacks about his competency by calling Sarah Palin mentally…

12 years ago

Romney Answers Obama’s Tax Returns Challenge and Makes Things Much Much Worse

The Obama campaign challenged Romney to release more tax returns, and his campaign responded with answer that proved to everyone…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Tells Elmo to Get a Job and Pledges to Kill PBS

In an interview with Fortune, Mitt Romney told PBS that it needs to stands on its own two feet, and…

12 years ago

Romney Claims He Never Paid Less than 13% but Won’t Release his Tax Returns

Mitt Romney delivered another trust me moment in South Carolina by claiming that he has not paid less than 13%…

12 years ago

Busted: Paul Ryan Left $1-5 Million Trust Off Disclosure Forms Until He Was Vetted

Paul Ryan and his wife inherited between 1-5 million dollars and didn't disclose it for two years. Ryan previously checked…

12 years ago

Exposing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s Covert Mission to Punish Women

Women should be quaking at the prospect of an executive branch that holds women in such low esteem that they…

12 years ago

A Paranoid Romney Accuses Obama of Making Voters Jealous of Him

In a bit of unhinged paranoia, Mitt Romney claimed that Obama is making voters jealous of him and his wealth.

12 years ago

Rachel Maddow Shows Why Paul Ryan is a Democrat’s Best Friend in 2012

Rachel Maddow shows us what a monumental mistake the Romney Campaign made in selecting the Kill Medicare Guy as his…

12 years ago

Not Here to do the Decent Thing: Privatizing Medicare Ryan

Mitt Romney handed yet another gift to Democrats by choosing Randian Paul Ryan, who is just here to follow Koch…

12 years ago

Romney’s Ryan Pick is 20% Less Popular than Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan is 19 points less popular than John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin in 2008,…

12 years ago

Obama Masterfully Ties Paul Ryan to the Most Unpopular House in History

President Obama showed Mitt Romney why choosing Paul Ryan was a big mistake, by immediately linking Ryan to the most…

12 years ago

The Dreams of Romney-Ryan Are Dangerous to Nearly Everyone

This ticket will absolutely depend on low-information voters enamored with right wing media. In point of fact, the vast majority…

12 years ago

Mitt and his Rove Jr. VP Grace 60 Minutes and Honesty Was Hard to Come By

60 Minutes Romney/Ryan interview Romney & new VP questioned by Bob Schieffer TV interview exposes BS of Mitt and Paul.

12 years ago

In Major Gaffe Paul Ryan Says He Wants to Eliminate Romney’s Tax Shelters

Paul Ryan welcomed himself to the Romney campaign by claiming on 60 Minutes that he wants to eliminate the same…

12 years ago

Paul Ryan: A One-Man Fiscal Cliff?

Does Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate signal his campaign is tacking to the right again, or…

12 years ago

Romney Self Destructs and Turns All Attention Back to His Tax Returns

It took the Romney campaign less than 24 hours to screw up their big VP announcement, and turn the attention…

12 years ago

Sarah Palin’s Bitter Parting Salvo Mentions Obama 26 Times, Ryan 3 Times

In a note meant to congratulate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin only mentions them three times while focusing…

12 years ago

Dogma and Expediency War for Conservative Christian Hearts and Minds

For years we've been told Obama's Christianity matters but where Romney's Mormonism comes in, will expediency win out over dogma…

12 years ago

Romney and Ryan to Embark on 87 Days of Terror

Mitt Romney is hurting in the polls, has insulted nearly everyone he's met, and now plans to take to the…

12 years ago

Gaffetastic: Team Romney Reminds Media of Ryan’s Lack of Military Experience

In a press release of talking points sent to reporters this morning after the Big Announcement, team Ryan Romney drew…

12 years ago

Tea Party Adoring CNN Calls Romney/Ryan a Ticket Death Wish

Not even tea party courting right wing CNN can get behind Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan. CNN's Candy Crowley…

12 years ago

Obama Sends Romney Back Into the Fetal Position With Video on the Ryan Budget

Mitt Romney's Paul Ryan bounce was over before it started as the Obama campaign released a new video hitting the…

12 years ago

Women Are Already Mobilizing Against Romney/Ryan

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are going to have some company on the campaign trail. Women around the country are…

12 years ago

Gaffe Machine Mitt Romney Introduces Paul Ryan as the Next President of the United States

Mitt Romney couldn't even introduce his running mate without committing a major gaffe. When the moment came to introduce Paul…

12 years ago

Romney to Cement His Doomed Status by Picking Paul Ryan for VP

Multiple outlets are reporting that Mitt Romney will unveil Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate on the USS Wisconsin…

12 years ago

You Didn’t Grow That: Iowa Pastor Upset Romney Ignored Family Farms for Wealthy

Mitt Romney walked through one of millionaire LeMar Koethe's 54 farms fields of gold in Iowa instead of visiting local…

12 years ago

MoveOn Ad: Mitt Romney the Pickpocket President of the 1%

MoveOn has a new ad out today entitled Pickpocket. To whom might they be referring? R-Money, of course.

12 years ago

Brutal Obama Ad Ties Romney to $70 Mill Son of Boss Tax Scandal

Team Obama rolls out a devastating new ad tying Romney to having approved over $70 million dollars in fictional losses…

12 years ago

63% of Americans Demand That Mitt Romney Release His Tax Returns

A new CNN poll released today found that 63% of respondents and 61% of registered voters thought that Mitt Romney…

12 years ago

In Colorado Obama Self Deports Romney Out of the Campaign

In Pueblo, CO, President Obama took Mitt Romney to task for his self-deportation immigration policy, and called the Dream Act…

12 years ago

Romney: Corporations are People so I Don’t Have to Release My Tax Returns

Romney's new line of defense for not releasing the tax returns is that he is not a business. This is…

12 years ago

In Latest Verbal Disaster Romney Turns Sikhs into Sheiks

Mitt Romney's gift for gaffe has struck again. On campaign trail, Romney confused his anti-Muslim rhetoric with the Sikh temple…

12 years ago

The Unlikeables: GOP Convention to Feature America’s Most Disliked Politicians

The 2012 GOP convention will be headlined by the least popular nominee in 28 years, but the RNC is also…

12 years ago

Demand the GOP be Held Accountable for their Un-American Attacks on Obama

The ideology that involves identification with a nation is nationalism, and it serves to bind individuals together to work for…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Violated Twitter’s Terms of Service by Buying Fake Followers

An analysis of Mitt Romney's one day gain over 100,000 Twitter followers has revealed that most of his new followers…

12 years ago

A Scared Romney Tries to Drive Wedge Between Obama and Clinton with New Ad

Romney's new ad accuses Obama of being a big government liberal who is handing welfare checks out willy-nilly, and who…

12 years ago

Birthers Demand Obama’s Transcripts in Exchange for Romney’s Tax Returns

The birthers are demanding that Mitt Romney only release his tax returns if Obama releases college transcripts.

12 years ago

Dana Loesch Rubs Salt In the Romney the Wimp Wound

CNN's Dana Loesch wants to know why he won't back Michele Bachmann up on her Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy theory, under…

12 years ago

With Zero Proof a Hypocritical Romney Blames Obama for Reid Allegations

Apparently oblivious to hypocrisy, the Romney campaign is offering zero proof but blaming President Obama for Harry Reid's allegations that…

12 years ago

While Cutting Their Pay Scott Walker Praises First Responders in Sikh Temple Shooting

Scott Walker called the mass shootings at a Wisconsin Sikh Temple this morning evil and praised the first responders, many…

12 years ago

Williard’s Magical Let Them Eat Cake Tax Policy

While singing the praises of lowering the tax rate, in reality, Romney's proposal will result in a tax increase, unless…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Replaces Sarah Palin as America’s Most Hated Politician

A new Pew survey has found that Mitt Romney is so unpopular that he has now replaced Sarah Palin as…

12 years ago

Mitt, Who Wanted Detroit to go Bankrupt, Blames Obama for not ALL Auto Dealers Surviving

Romney, who wanted Detroit to go bankrupt, is angry that some auto dealers went bankrupt even though a bankrupt Detroit…

12 years ago

Mitt Proves He’s An Equal Opportunity Anti-Semite

Aside from proving he doesn't have the people skills to be our diplomat in chief, Romney proved himself to be…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Only Took 3 Questions From US Press During Entire 6 Day Trip

For all of Mitt Romney's incessant whining about the press, he took a total of three questions from the American…

12 years ago

Dick Cheney Reminds Us That Romney Still Has Stateside Messes to Clean

Dick Cheney, popped out of his cryogenic chamber to remind the voting public that there are still plenty of Stateside…

12 years ago

Romney Spokesperson Loses It. Tells Press to “Kiss My Ass” and “Shove it”

Romney's press secretary told American journalists to kiss my ass and shove it today.

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Is Accused of Racism by Palestinian Official

A Palestinian official accused Romney of racism based on his speech today in which he suggested that the Israeli culture…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney’s Scourge of Private Equity Vampirism

We like people who contribute to our society, people who build, who create goods and services, who create jobs. We…

12 years ago

Romney ‘Accepted Instructions from Netanyahu’ to Cancel Meeting

Today, Mitt Romney, who doesn't apologize for America but does let the British tell him to apologize, let the Israeli…

12 years ago

#RomneyShambles: Olympic Winner Says Some Americans Shouldn’t Leave the Country

The Democrats release RomneyShambles video and Olympic winner Carl Lewis said Romney should have just stayed home if he didn't…

12 years ago

Romney in Shambles as Britain Proclaims Him Worse than Sarah Palin

The British reaction to Mitt Romney has gone from openness, to skepticism, to mocking, to concluding that Mitt Romney is…

12 years ago

The War Agenda of the Dark NeoCon Army Behind Mitt Romney

When you hear the phrase this is going to be an American century you need to beware. If Mitt Romney…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney’s Magical Mystery European Disaster Tour Launches by Insulting Britain

Romney insulted Britain by questioning their readiness to host the Olympic games, which enraged PM Cameron, and then gaffed and…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Flees to London but Can’t Escape Questions About His Tax Returns

Romney's European vacation was supposed to get the tax returns and Bain heat off of him, but even in London,…

12 years ago

Romney Campaign Shames America By Criticizing POTUS on Foreign Soil

The Romney advisers told the Telegraph that Romney is part of the Anglo-Saxon heritage, a history that Obama does not…

12 years ago

Lesson to Mitt Romney: Life Doesn’t Happen Retroactively in the Real World

The Romney Time Machine is amazing: you can now be exonerated retroactively, invaliding evidence that might appear later to the…

12 years ago

Romney Returns to Sleazy Tactics

Romney unloads a dumpster full of sleaze, and some heavily edited comments from the president in his latest attack ad.

12 years ago

Right Wingers Are More of a Threat to Gun Owners Than Liberals

Republicans from past experience seem to be eager to take away your rights to firearms and shift the blame to…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Gets Busted Buying Twitter Followers

Something strange is going on with Mitt Romney's Twitter account. It looks like the Romney campaign is using the Colorado…

12 years ago

Gregory Peterson: Utah GOP Activist and Romney Supporter – and Rapist

Gregory Nathan Peterson, a Romney supporter who had hundreds of Utah's GOP luminaries over for BBQ, is accused of being…

12 years ago

Workers At Bain Owned Plant Plead With Romney To Step In To Save Their Jobs

As a candidate for president Mitt Romney can step in and use his bully pulpit to stop this recent outsourcing…

12 years ago

Colbert Nails it: ‘None of the Above’ is a Better Choice Than Romney for Republicans

Republicans have discovered that the candidate they got is not the candidate they wanted, or needed. Nevada's ballot offers a…

12 years ago

While Republicans Worry about Batman Luke Skywalker Blows Up Romney’s Death Star

As if Mitt Romney doesn't have enough problems, first Batman is out to get him, now the world's most famous…

12 years ago

Romney Might Release Tax Returns After The Republican Convention

Once Republicans are stuck with him as their nominee, Mitt Romney may decide to release more years of tax returns.

12 years ago

Romney Privatized The Gains and Socialized The Losses of Bain Capital

Republicans love socialism, as does big business, but they only love socialism that helps them, not the little people that…

12 years ago

Mittens Impossible: Romney Bombs on Fox News

Mitt Romney managed to do the impossible today. He bombed on Fox News by turning a softball question on his…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney’s Candidacy is Turning into The Republican Party’s Worst Nightmare

Even Republicans don't like the direction Mitt Romney's campaign is going and can't support Romney's arrogance in not releasing his…

12 years ago

Romney Campaign Claims He Retired Retroactively (But Kept All of the Profits)

Romney campaign made a new argument on Meet the Press for why he's not responsible for the outsourcing of Bain;…

12 years ago

Job Creation: A Means To An End For The GOP

Jobs are nothing but a means to a profitable end for the so called job creators that the GOP answers…

12 years ago

Romney Pulls a Palin and Claims Obama’s Using Bain to Kill Him

On CNN, Mitt Romney pulled out his best Sarah Palin channeling Richard Nixon impression and whined about Barack Obama using…

12 years ago

Romney’s Bain Pain: Breaking Down the SEC Laws

Mitt Romney has set the spin cycle to desperate as he gets set to do a series of brief television…

12 years ago

Romney Was There; He Wasn’t There: Will Mitt Run America Like He Did Bain?

Where is Romney's leadership at Bain? He was there, he wasn't there, he was the sole stock owner - he…

12 years ago

As Elections Get Closer, Lies Start Spewing Out of Republicans

The election of 2012 is fast-approaching, and there will be refreshing commercials as well as lies on the radio and…

12 years ago

Why Mitt Romney Should Be Investigated for a Federal Felony

Right now, his claims that he was only technically involved are hard to believe, unless Stericycle, Bain, and Mitt Romney…

12 years ago

New Documents Show Romney’s Bain Lies are Piling Up Sky High

Romney is hiding something. He doesn't want to release his tax returns and he seems to be not telling the…

12 years ago

Fear Factor: The Conservative Christian Crusade Against Mormonism

When one scary religion tries to make another sound scary, it's time to step back and take stock of the…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Tried to Rig NAACP Crowd by Flying in His Own African Americans

According to NAACP official Hilary Shelton, Mitt Romney tried to rig the crowd at the convention by flying in his…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney NAACP African American Photo Op Results In Total Disaster

Mitt Romney was not only booed for saying that he would repeal ObamaCare, but the entire speech was a disaster…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Tells America His Finances are None of Our Damned Business

Romney claims he ignorant of his investments, but rest assured, he hasn't dodged any taxes. How do we know this?…

12 years ago

Will Nikki Haley be Mitt Romney’s VP Mystery Date?

Surely, there's sufficient sleaze to qualify Nikki Haley to be Mitt Romney's Vice President/bookkeeper.

12 years ago

Ted Nugent, the Civil War, and the GOP’s Anti-Constitutional Fantasies

Ted Nugent believes we'd be better off if the South had won the Civil War, completely ignoring that states rights…

12 years ago

Watch Romney’s Magic Finger as He Endorses Obama’s Jobs Record

Watch as Mitt Romney not only endorses Barack Obama's job record, but walks voters through the president's jobs turnaround.

12 years ago

Jobs Hypocrite Romney in 2006: It takes Awhile To Get Things Turned Around

What Romney said in 2006 is completely different than what he is saying about the economy in 2012.

12 years ago

Ann Romney’s ‘Leave Mitt Alone!’ Moment

Ann Romney tries to erase the picture of Mitt and herself on jet skis at their $8 million vacation retreat…

12 years ago

Obama Straps Romney To Top of His Campaign Bus for Long Reelection Ride

Mitt Romney is running a very sluggish campaign; his Boston boys always seem a step behind Barack Obama- if not…

12 years ago

Right Wing Haters for Christ Vow To Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Now that the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional, right wing so-called Christians are out in force promising…

12 years ago

America’s Flirtation with Healthcare’s Dark Side

Americans are all about community in so many different ways, so why when it comes to healthcare is everyone supposed…

12 years ago

The Republicans’ Bad Day and What it Means for America

Yesterday was a bad day for the GOP but we should remember they've had many bad days recently and that…

12 years ago

Cowardly Romney Dodges Supreme Court Immigration Ruling Question 20 Times

Mitt Romney’s campaign is so afraid to answer questions about immigration that they dodged 20 different attempts to get a…

12 years ago

Republicans Plan to Create 0 Jobs and Raise Taxes by 60% on the Poor

Republicans have no more intention of creating jobs or growing the economy, but they do intend to cut taxes for…

12 years ago

Americans Get a Bitter Taste of Who Mitt Romney Really Is

Americans are getting a clearer picture of Willard Romney and besides being a wealthy, out of touch elitist and pathological…

12 years ago

The GOP and the Limits of Positive Thinking

When bad news piles on bad news, how does a person carry on, and how far can positive thinking carry…

12 years ago

3 Things Barack Obama Did That Ruined Mitt Romney’s Week

If you were listening to the media last Thursday you got an earful of Obama is doomed chatter, but by…

12 years ago

Mitt Romney Slides into Panicked Free Fall over Outsourcing Claims

After the Washington Post blew the lid off of Mitt Romney's outsourcing past, the Romney campaign responded with panic and…

12 years ago

The Brainless Express: Romney Bus Tour Highlights the Right’s Ignorance

Mitt Romney's bus tour highlighted supporters who don't know why they support him, and are completely misinformed about the Republican…

12 years ago

Romney’s Non-Answers Reveal a Weak Man Who Would Be a Weak President

There is little doubt that Romney avoids answering questions out of fear of alienating specific voters, but his reticence to…

12 years ago

PFAW Says If You Don’t Give Them Money, You Support Mitt Romney

I like PFAW and the work they do; I do not like getting fundraising letters accusing me of supporting Mitt…

12 years ago