Ted Cruz On Fox's Sunday Morning Futures

Ted Cruz Claims Biden Vaccine Mandate Is A Conspiracy

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:39 pm

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that the Biden vaccine mandate is a conspiracy to distract from Afghanistan.


Cruz said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures, “You put your finger on what the white house is trying to do, they want to change the topic from Afghanistan. It’s why Biden issued this completely illegal and unconstitutional vaccine mandate because he wanted to change the topic from the disaster in Afghanistan, the vaccine mandate is going to be struck down in court, they know that, but the president is defying the law because he wanted the press to start defending him and stop talking about the disasters in Afghanistan and he’s counting on a bunch of big businesses, in particular, forcing their employees to comply before the matter is ever adjudicated and before the order is struck down.

Ted Cruz Is Wrong On The Vaccine Mandate

The vaccine mandate is not unconstitutional. The President has hundreds of years of legal precedent supporting his order, so that part of Cruz’s conspiracy theory doesn’t work.

Sen. Cruz is ignoring that the coronavirus is killing people all across the country in order to be able to claim that the mandate is a conspiracy theory to distract from Afghanistan.

The media coverage has, as expected, faded on Afghanistan. The vast majority of Americans support the Biden position of ending the war, no matter how messy the US exit was. 

Ted Cruz has managed to combine two losing issues for Republicans into a conspiracy theory that will only appeal to their base.

Cruz is a political shapeshifter, so if you want to know which way the wind is blowing in the GOP, listen to Ted Cruz for five minutes.

What weather vane Ted is telling us is that the Republican Party is heading for a whole new level of crazy.

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