Devin Nunes Runs Away From Reporters When Asked About The GOP Secret Memo

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) was asked about his secret conspiracy memo, but instead of stopping to answer the question the guilty Trump stooge ran away.

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was the exchange:

Q: Chairman, can we ask you about the release of the memo? Are you glad the committee voted?

Nunes: Talk to the Democrats. They talk to you, I don’t.

If the memo is legit and not a partisan tactic to undermine the Russia investigation, Nunes would do more than comment on it. He would leak like a sieve. The House Intelligence Committee chairman would be spreading the information far and wide. The fact he won’t talk to the press suggests that he is trying to keep the memo from press scrutiny before the White House releases it.

Secret meetings and hiding information from the American people is new GOP normal

Under Trump, Congressional Republicans and the White House operate in secret. The GOP doesn’t serve the people. The American people are an obstacle that must be worked around and kept in the dark. When faced with questions from reporters, Republicans don’t face the cameras and inform the public. They keep moving, so that can get out of camera range as soon as possible. Congressional Republicans draft secret memos, write legislation behind closed doors and do everything that they can to keep the American people in the dark.

No matter how fast Republicans like Devin Nunes run, the Russia scandal remains one step ahead of them.

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