Roger Stone Denied New Trial As Judge Shows She’s Still In Charge

Judge Amy Berman Jackson reminded Trump and Barr that she is still in charge by denying Roger Stone’s request for a new trial.

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Judge Berman Jackson denied Stone’s request for a new trial:

The Judge’s ruling is a firm reminder that despite all of the chaos and corrupt that Trump and his henchman Attorney General William Barr are causing with Stone’s sentencing recommendation, it will still be the judge who decides how long of a prison sentence that Roger Stone will get.

It would not be surprising if Stone were sentenced to 7-9 years as the original prosecutors recommended before they resigned. Trump will have to deal with the political fallout on his own if/when he pardons Roger Stone.

Stone’s pardon likely wouldn’t come until after the presidential election, but the ruling today shows that Trump, despite his best efforts, hasn’t corrupted every institution.

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