Beto O'Rourke Bill Maher

With Beto O’Rourke Surging, Republicans Mount An Emergency Campaign To Save Ted Cruz

Democratic US Senate candidate Rep. Beto O’Rourke is surging in Texas, as his momentum is so strong that Republicans are mounting an emergency to campaign to try and save Sen. Ted Cruz from defeat.

Read: Kristi Noem Is Banned From 20% of South Dakota.


Politico has the inside details, “Cruz’s Democratic opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke, has raised barrels of cash, closed the polling gap, and emerged as a cause célèbre of liberals nationwide. Trump’s rally is just the most public display of a Republican cavalry rushing to the senator’s aid. Cruz remains a favorite to win another term, and some senior GOP figures insist the concern is overblown. Yet the party — which has had a fraught relationship with the anti-establishment Texas senator over the years — is suddenly leaving little to chance. Behind the scenes, the White House, party leaders, and a collection of conservative outside groups have begun plotting out a full-fledged effort to bolster Cruz.”

Republicans Are Dumping Millions Of Dollars Into Texas To Try To Save Ted Cruz

Republicans are being forced to spend money on Cruz that they would prefer to be spending on trying to flip Senate seats in red states that are currently held by Democrats. Instead of spending that money in Missouri, Indiana, Montana, North Dakota, or West Virginia, Republicans are going to be spending a ton of cash to prop up Cruz.

Ted Cruz has never been tremendously popular as a Senator in Texas, and the combination of the current political climate with the strength of Beto O’Rourke as a candidate has placed Cruz in real danger of losing his seat.

Beto O’Rourke has Republicans scared

The reason why Republicans are so worried about Cruz’s seat is that they are already in danger of losing the Republican-held Senate seat in Tennessee. If Republicans lose these two seats, they will be looking at losing the Senate. Democratic incumbents are leading or are tied in West Virginia, Montana, Ohio, Indiana, and Missouri. The only Democratic seat that looks to be endangered currently is in North Dakota. It is possible that out of all of their red state Democratic targets, Republicans might pick up one or two seats. The margins are so close that a blue wave could carry Democrats to victory in all of the races.

Republicans are scared of Beto O’Rourke because he may be the candidate who gives Democrats control of the Senate.

Even if Republicans save Ted Cruz, they may lose opportunities in other states because they had to rescue an incumbent who couldn’t stand on his own.

The rise of Beto O’Rourke could send shockwaves that change the Senate for years to come.

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