Daily Archives: Wed, May 6th, 2009

Michael Savage Threatens to Sue the UK for Banning Him

Conservative right wing talker Michael Savage threatened today to sue U.K. Home Office Sec. Jacqui Smith for banning him from the United Kingdom. Savage was banned for stirring up hatred that could lead to inter-community violence. Savage apparently has failed to see the irony in the fact that he regularly calls for Muslims to be banned from the U.S.

Dick Cheney Claims to Be Defending the Little Guy From Obama

Former VP Dick Cheney gave an interview to The Weekly Standard, in which he claimed that he publicly criticizes President Obama because he is fighting for the little guy. Cheney claimed to be defending the lower level Bush administration people on the torture issue. The problem with Cheney’s statement is that President Obama has made it clear that he is not interested in prosecuting the little guy.

GOP: Hate Crimes Laws Increase Attacks on the Rest of the Public

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) is not only against the Matthew Sheppard Act, but last night on Fox News he argued that hate crimes legislation creates “sacred cows” that force an attacker to their attention to other members of the general public. He warned that hate crimes laws, “put the victimizer’s focus on someone else.” Does this mean that it is more acceptable for a black, gay, or disabled person to be attacked?

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