Democrat Erin Billbray Attacks Tea Party Incumbent’s Life Threatening Agenda Against Women

Last updated on June 6th, 2014 at 12:48 am

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Erin Bilbray

Erin Bilbray, the Democratic candidate for Nevada’s third district is in a high stakes fight with Tea Party incumbent Joe Heck over a war that Heck denies he is waging.

The fact that the Koch funded Americans for Prosperity thanked Heck for his opposition to Obamacare in the form of an ad says volumes about his disregard for the well-being of all Americans.

When it comes to women’s health, Erin Bilbray is in the fight of and for every woman’s life. Informing Nevada’s voters of Heck’s history on women’s health and that of his anti-women sidekick, Cory Gardner, really serves as a public service announcement because we already know how dangerous Heck’s policies are for women. In fact, Bilbray’s campaign should serve as a public service announcement to voters nationwide.

Congressmen Cory Gardner and Joe Heck both have a history of supporting legislation that could outlaw abortion — even in the case of incest and rape, and common forms of birth control,” said Bilbray Campaign Manager Erica Prosser. “Gardner even co-sponsored legislation to redefine rape. Heck’s hostility towards women’s health care rights won’t go unnoticed – it’s clear he’s too dangerous to continue representing Nevada women in Congress.

Erin Bilbray’s assertion that Heck is too dangerous to continue representing Nevada women couldn’t be more accurate.  His ties to Cory Gardner are well documented.  Cory sponsored the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act which redefined rape  - as if there is a form of rape that isn’t “forcible.”

Heck accepted a $545.45 campaign donation from Gardner’s PAC Project West PAC in 2013 and $1,000 from Gardner for Congress in 2012.

In 2012, Gardner supported a personhood amendment that also sought to ban many forms of effective birth control – including: oral contraceptives, IUD’s and other FDA approved hormonal contraceptives. He worked on a Colorado state personhood initiative in 2010.

There is no need to speculate on the dire consequences to women that come with a policy to outlaw abortion.  It only sends women to the same horrors that previous generations of women experienced before Roe v. Wade.  It means women will die.  Of course, the so called Christians within the anti-woman movement will argue those deaths are God’s punishment for having an abortion.  It had absolutely nothing to do with the dangerous and unsanitary conditions that come with sending abortions underground.

Even if you accept that silly argument, the reality of an abortion ban is more women will die as a result of pregnancies that place their lives at risk. Of course, the Kochist’s like Heck will blame that on God too.

Heck and Gardner’s opposition to birth control shows just how the war on women has shifted further to the right since the last election.  Conservatives who claimed to be moderates argued that the difference between them and extremists was their policy positions on birth control.  The “moderates” swore on their faux bibles that they would “never” try to ban birth control.  That was then, this is now.

Is anyone else noticing the irony that the very people who seek to impose rigid state regulation of women’s bodies oppose school nutrition standards because it’s telling children what they can put in their bodies?

Aside from the dangers that come with the goal of banning abortion and birth control, Heck and other Koch puppets support policies that make America a dangerous place for expectant mothers,  regardless of whether they are expectant mothers by choice or by force.

Erin Bilbray’s fight for the lives and health of women in Nevada is, in very real terms, every woman’s fight.

Image: Review Journal

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