Business Abandons Trump And Threatens To Sue Over Mexico Tariffs

The Chamber of Commerce and other business leaders are threatening to sue Trump over his proposed tariffs on Mexico.

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Business Leaders Are Looking At Suing Trump

CNBC reported, “The powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce is mulling its legal options in response to the duties, the group’s Senior Vice President of International Affairs John Murphy told reporters Friday. Murphy said the group has no choice but to look into every option to push back on the tariff policy. Business groups more broadly are discussing the possibility of suing the White House, a source told CNBC. A decision on how to proceed is expected by Monday.”

Trump Gave Them A Massive Tax Cut, but Big Business Is Bailing

Instead of putting pressure on Mexico, Trump’s tariff threat is putting the heat on his administration and the Republican Party. Wall Street has finally realized the truth about Trump. There is no strategy. Trump has no vision of the US economy or interest in creating a pro-business climate. Donald Trump doesn’t seem to know what a pro-business climate is.

Trump gave corporations their massive tax cut, but then turned around and pulled a trade war that could put many of them out of business. Trump isn’t bringing jobs back to the US with his trade war. He is causing rising prices, the collapse of farms, and job losses.

If the business community sues Trump, it will mean that nearly every segment of this country outside of the hardcore Trump base will have turned against this president. Trump has political momentum, and it is all trending toward his defeat in 2020.

The business community has had enough, which is why they are considering legal action to stop this president.

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