Jamie Raskin labels 1/6 attackers fascist traitors

Rep. Jamie Raskin Calls Republican Capitol Attackers Fascist Traitors

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said that Republicans who attacked the Capitol are fascist traitors to America.

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Jamie Raskin Calls Republican Capitol Attackers Fascist Traitors


Raskin said, “You are great law enforcement officers and heroes to officers across the country. You are great public servants and heroes for public service across the country.  You are great Americans and you are heroes to all of America. Long after you are gone, you will be remembered as heroes. To our country. Along with your fellow officers and those who attacked you and those who beat you are fascist traitors to our country and will be remembered forever as fascist traitors.”

The Majority Of The Republican Party Is Covering Up For Fascist Traitors

If the attackers of the Capitol are fascist traitors then it follows that the Repiublicans in Congress who dismiss and cover-up the attack have sided with the fascist traitors to America.

Rep. Raskin was correct. 1/6 was not a protest gone wrong, or a situation was an accident. January 6 was an intentional and coordinatred attack on US democracy.

Those who attacked the Capitol did so in support of fascism, and they are traitors to their country and to American democratic values.

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